A freakin award that's what!

That's right, I'm pretty damn stylish and now I have proof. Jeannie says so and whatever Jeannie says goes. Don't doubt it. Don't be jealous. Just don't give up and maybe you too can be stylish one day.
Okay, so this award wasn't really free, I actually have to work for it, here's the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award
Here I go.
1. My armpits are a little sweaty right now.
2. I take steroids. (Settle down, not the illegal kind.)
3. I like to keep it a nice cool 60 degrees in my house. Yes Lindee I turn the AC on in the winter.
4. I just ended a 2 week long strike against my kitchen floor. I hate the linoleum and want my landlord to get tile so I decided it didn't deserve to be cleaned. Yeah, the strike didn't work because the linoleum is still there. Still there and now very dirty.
(I'm still on strike against my downstairs bathroom, I just can't forgive it for spitting up shit all over my house! Could you?)
5. I'm not sure if I believe in God and I am okay with that.
6. This year I gave the best Christmas gift ever. A fart machine.
7. I love my dads!
8. I'm a horrible texter. Text me and maybe, just maybe I'll text you back. And if I do text you back it will probably be a week later.
There. I did it. Half-assed but I still did it. Now to give it to peeps who actually deserve it!
Karin Katherine
Lindee (yes she's my sister but hello? Do you want me to never see my nephew again? That's right, she gets an award.)
Blue Violet
Alright you stylin bitches, come get your award!
Oh crap I almost forgot to thank Jeannie.
Thanks Jeannie!