Alex, Al, Albert, Bert, My former hubster:
My former husband is currently living in Arizona to attending law school. We were divorced on June 7th, 2010. More on that story here.
Our first furry child, he is a tabby cat who is almost 9 years old. He loves to sleep and eat. He also loves to sleep and eat. He is perfectly content with his over weight body type and is a very spoiled kitty. He has to have filtered water with ice served to him on the counter every morning, day and night. He is the dominant kitty of the house and his gay lover is his younger brother Smokey, they have been gaying it up now for 6 years.
Our third furry child, he is a black and white cat who is our youngest at 6 years old. Like his gay lover Boomhower, he loves to eat and sleep. He also likes to talk but mostly to his dad. His previous owners accidentally ran over him and took him to the Vet Clinic but abandoned him because they didn’t want to pay for his surgery. He spent many months meowing to my former husband every night while he worked so they formed a very tight bond and Alex just had to bring him home. Smokey is definitely a daddy’s boy and is very vocal in letting me know that. He is the strangest cat I have ever met, he purrs ALL THE TIME even when Alex flicks him in the nose. He likes to do cat back flips off of Alex’s lap and his favorite thing to do is to lie on Alex’s man parts, which is very painful for Alex given Smokey’s hefty frame.



Amy, Chad's Wife, Brolan's Mom:

Jake, Nephew, Amy's son, Chad's Step son:

Kelsi, Neice, Amy's daughter, Chad's step daughter:

Jake, Nephew, Amy's son, Chad's Step son:

Kelsi, Neice, Amy's daughter, Chad's step daughter:
Brolan, My nephew, Chad & Amy's 8 Month Old:

Lindee, Lin, Luke, Lil sis, Logan's Mom, Slut:

Lance, Lindee's Husband, Logan's Dad:

Logan, Logy, Log, My nephew, Lance & Lindee's 3 Year Old:

Alyse, Lyse, Lyser, Baby sis, Butt Munch:

Lindee, Lin, Luke, Lil sis, Logan's Mom, Slut:

Lance, Lindee's Husband, Logan's Dad:

Logan, Logy, Log, My nephew, Lance & Lindee's 3 Year Old:

Alyse, Lyse, Lyser, Baby sis, Butt Munch:

Alex, Alyse's Boyfriend, Little Alex, Fart Face:

My two angels:
Dozer was our second furry child, he was a black Great Dane who died when he was 8 years old. He was an old man in Great Dane years and sporte the cutest gray goatee, he was one lanky dog and I’ve been told that he looked mostly like me, I think it’s probably his black fur. He was a big baby who couldn’t be away from his mommy for more than a day without pooping himself silly! He loved wrestling with his dad and jogging with his mom. He loved his “babies” who are his little stuffed animals that he would carry around in his mouth and cleans their fur with his teeth. He had also been known to burry his bones in the house, mostly in the corners of the room using his head to push imaginary dirt over top of the bone. He was also deathly afraid of balloons, among many many other objects like ceiling fans. I will always miss my scared little sweetheart! You can read about Dozer's death here.
Bain was our fourth furry child who past away last summer at 3 years old. He was a beautiful fawn Mastiff and had the sweetest personality I have ever encountered in a dog. His previous owners brought him to the clinic because he had Parvo but they couldn’t pay for his treatments so they agreed to give him up. We were very lucky to be able to bring him into our home. He was so shy and insecure when he first came to us, we suspect there was some abuse in his past because he would cower away from humans. After many weeks of training he finally came out of his shell and truly enjoyed life tagging along with his bigger brother Dozer. You can read about how he died here. I will always miss my big boy! You can read about Bain's death here.

My two angels:


You really are a gal that is so much like me! I have a Dane/St. Bernard mix, named Abbe, but grew up with Danes, and had a Mastiff! Getting a second mix because they are all Dane with the smarts of Saints! Can't beat that!
I think I am in need of an effing family tree.
I'm so impressed! My family would kill me if I posted their pictures on a blog.
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