1. When you're at dinner with Mike, always check your straw before taking a drink!
Many of you were thinking, what the hell is she talking about? Well, this is what the hell I was talking about:
The ketchup wasn't half as bad as when I got a straw full of salt in my milk!!! I spit it out all over my pancakes, luckily I was done eating and luckily Mike didn't have his flip video cam on hand!
And there's more where that came from, You remember the little Maze joke don't you?
Oh, and to make matters worse, my dad has decided to get in on the action. We go to lunch almost every Friday and a few weeks ago we were at Faustina's where I was telling him all about Mike's straw jokes. He was pretty impressed.

As he should be.
During lunch I got up to go to the bathroom and before I left I said to my dad: "Leave my straw alone!"
Somehow in the time it took me to come back from the bathroom I had totally forgotten what I had said to him just a few minutes earlier. And of course, like an idiot, I grab my straw to take a sip of my drink.
Yeah, he had spread honey all over my straw. The straw that I knew he was going to do something to just a few minutes earlier. The straw that I grabbed anyway without thinking.
I don't know what my dad thought was funnier, me with sticky hands and face or the fact that the honey was so obviously gobbed on the straw that he thought I would notice it for sure.
Come on dad, you know me better than that.
Now, how to get these practical jokers back???