So those who wanted to cook, cooked. And those who pretended they wanted to cook, drank. Maybe you can tell which team everyone was on...
Team Drunk

Or Team Cook

And this is the man of the night, Chef Mike! I'm still not sure which team he was on...

(Yes there were three Mike's in the kitchen that night. I had a hard time telling them apart.)

The extremely tall dude in the pic above is Mike's brother in law. He's only 9 foot 10. No big deal. And that cutey standing next to him is Mike's sister.
She is not 9 foot 10. (Ok he's not really 9 foot 10, more like 6 foot huge.)
After dinner Mike's bro-in-law leaned back in his chair and rubbing his belly said,
"I'm so full I feel like I could give birth!"
Everyone laughed at the joke, everyone except his wife. Apparently it was an inside joke that Mike and I were not included in. We weren't let in on the little joke until later that night when Mike's sis blurted out
"Sooooo, how does Uncle Michael sound?" (Yes, you have to call Mike "Michael" when his family is present. Sounds so weird to me!)
Michael's (ie. Mike's) face went white as the fact that his sister was pregnant sunk in. He was seriously in shock. He didn't think they were actually going to have kids. They have chickens, that's pretty much the same thing right?
Except I'm pretty sure kids don't lay eggs. But I could be wrong.
After he snapped back to the present he said his congratulations and everyone was all happy and shit. If you didn't know, Mike LOVES kids.
In fact my neph Logan was talking to his mom the other day and said,
"I have two favorite aunts, aunt Pooba and aunt Mike!"
Yeah, Mike's already a favorite aunt, and now he is going to be a favorite uncle! The news is especially exciting as this is the first grandchild in their family. Here are the two proud grandparents to be:

(Shut up I know the pic is blurry but my cell phone bites! And also takes blurry pics.)
Apparently when Mike's sis and bro-in-law told her mom the news earlier that day, her first words were:
"Bout time! Thanks for knockin up my daughter!!"
So good luck to them, they are going to have 10 foot 9 babies! I mean, did you see this dude?

The dude in yellow, the other dude is mine. Mike is holding a cross bow he made out of skis and a bunch of other shit he found layin round the house. He's crazy creative like that.
Love his guts!