We're back!

The trip was so fun, except for the time I insulted a few lawyers, and the time I swore in front of innocent children, oh, and the time I almost puked in a stranger's lap.
Other than those few moments, we had a great time!
We stayed at the Marriot Hotel in San Jose Costa Rica which is a little bit different then the Marriot in Utah, well a huge bit different! They have a casino, golf course, 4 restaraunts, and hello...the beach!

Here are a couple views from our Hotel.

I tell ya, I've never seen so many bare naked pregnant bellies at one time in my life!

Al and I would love walking to the marina and take in the scenery while playing in the water. Okay, I played in the water while Al watched.

Although there were tons of tours and adventures to go on, I think our favorite thing to do was this.

Now we both love laying out and reading a book by the pool, however I don't think Albert knows how to really relax. Me, I was reading Club Dead, a fictional novel about make believe events and imaginary people, pure for entertainment purposes. Albert on the other hand took this book:

Economics on vacation? Come on Al! Mind you, this book is NOT a school book, he is NOT required to read it, he actually went and bought that boring lookin thing at Barnes and Noble for a "casual" read. Of course I took the opportunity to give him crap every time he cracked the cover and I wasn't the only one who noticed, some other people in our group saw what he was reading but they were more in awe which of course I secretly was too, but ya can't admit that it's just not as fun.

But that's Al for ya, he is always learning. He thinks it's fun er somethin....learning, pfh!
Now that I think of it, maybe I need to do a little learning myself. I totally embarrassed us both with my blabber mouth that likes to spit crap out before my brain has time to actually give it permission. One said occasion happened at the welcome dinner the first night we were there.

We were sitting at the table with a couple lawyers who work at Siegfreid and Jensen, a popular personal ingury law firm. You know, the ones who are on the back of every phone book and billboard in Utah?
Now you know Alex is applying for law school so they all started into their "lawyer" talk while I pretended to pay attention spouting out a few vague comments here and there when we were introduced to another lawyer who came to sit at the table. I looked at this new person and I asked:
"Oh, are you with Siegfried and Roy too?"

Alex bout died and before I tried to correct myself he gave me a little nudge which I interpreted as him telling me to shut the hell up before I embarrased both of us any further. After dinner however, we took a walk on the beach and Al said he nudged me because he didn't think anybody heard me, or if they did, they chose to ignore it so he thought it best to leave it be.

We both had a good laugh over that one!

So there's just a little taste of the trip for ya, I've got plenty other embarrasing stories to tell and plenty more pics to show you of the beautiful scenery that get ruined by me being in them, but they will all come in good time. For now I'm a week behind at work and even worse, a week behind in reading my favorite blogs so I must go! Stay tuned...
Oh and no Allison, we didn't see any Ligers, much to our disapointment. However I heard Tions are much cooler anyway.