My 10 year high school reunion has come and gone. It was fun but disappointing at the same time. Out of the 700 people in my high school class, only this many fuzzy lookin people showed up:
Albert took the pictures. I love ya hon, but the pictures suck butt.
So to everyone out there that COULD have made it to the reunion and just chose not too, you suck and I hate you. Ok, I don't hate you but you better come to the next one or else I'll have to hunt you down and spit in your cheerios.
It was so fun to reconnect with friends that I haven't seen for 10 years. It's amazing how people change but even more amazing how people don't change at all.
My best friend DeAnna is about the only person who I've kept in touch with throughout the 10 years. We were roommates in college and I don't think we will ever lose touch with each other. Here she is with her husband and high school sweetheart Josh.
And here they are 10 years ago. I still can't believe De got him to dress up with her.
Don't ask.
The big surprise of the night was when De and I were eating our salad and someone came up behind us and whispered,
"What, you didn't save me a seat?"
We turned around and squealed like little girls when we saw who it was.(I'm the extremely white one in the middle, it's okay, I'm used to it)
Our long lost friend Denise!!! Seriously, this girl must be related to Houdini or something because just as soon as we are back in touch with her, she changes her cell phone and disappears again!
Here's the three of us 10 years ago.
Oh the stories I could tell about these girls!
The three of us were best friends from Junior High through high school. Ky (above on right) was a year younger than us so she is excused from not coming to the reunion but her husband however is not. We missed you Spencer and Ky!
Back to the reunion, behold Amy shows up in all her sexiness, she was my 5th grade BFF. I think De is trying to make out with her, or a least cop a feel.
I tried to find some pics from high school of Amy but couldn't find any. I did however find some from 5th grade. So here ya go Amy, you can thank me later for this one!
She's the witch in the bottom pic, and for those of you that were curious about my cactus costume, there it is in the top left corner.
Here's some more of my girlies, Lacey (second from right) was just hilarious that night. She is a fellow tree so of course we had to stand next to each other in the pic. I love her tall ass!
And I got some cute pics from our table at the reunion:
See? Albert was there and was extremely happy about that can't you tell? He didn't complain one bit and definitely didn't text Kevin to let him know that he was sitting through his worst nightmare. He loved every minute of it.
Ok so below we have Shane and his wife. I am still planning on kicking Shane's ass.
Why? Well, the reunion committee had everyone fill out a questionnaire about themselves and turn it in to them. They then would read the questionnaire out loud, into the microphone that wasn't working, and made each person stand up as they read about them. Denise and I thought we dodged the bullet by not turning in our papers.
Well, after all questionnaires were read, Shane took it upon himself to announce that they had missed me and Denise. So we both had to stand up and introduce ourselves anyway, which was even more embarrassing than if we would have just turned in our papers.
Shane, you've been warned!
Now I want to leave you with all the no shows from the reunion. At least all the no shows that I had pictures of. Most of these pics are from the Senior All night party. So everyone that didn't show, you deserve this.
Everyone else, I couldn't find pics of you however your butts were missed too!
9 years ago
oh your reunion could NOT have been as horrible as mine, there were like 25 people there....none of which i ever even muttered a word to in was pathetic!!!
You look the exact same as you did in highschool. jerk. How anyone is that hot in highschool baffles me.
Hmm, I went to my 5th reunion which was too close to High School and I was one of the very few who were married. I then went to my
25th reunion which was far enough removed to be fun. The mean girls weren't mean any longer. I was successful in my career and I was thin. And I was one of the few married to the same man.
It looks like you haven't changed a bit in 10 years. Do you have a picture stored in your attic?
Looks like you had such a good time. I find that facebook has put me in touch with my high school days, which I try very hard to forget! For me, that's enough of a reunion, you couldn't pay me enough money or m&m's to get me there!! But, glad you had a good time at yours!
YAY!! I was waiting for you to post!! I love all the pics!! Will you email me the one of all us girls (you know, the one with us trees next to each other!!)
I LOVE all the funny high school pics.... Lance looks like a baby in all of them, oh ya, and he still has hair!! I am so glad you came! It was fun catching up face to face.. you know, not in the blogging world! And I still think you should take a trip to st. George and I will meet you there!!
I didn't go to either of my reunions. It wasn't my fault though. When life grabs a good strong hold and won't let go, you really can't do as ya want, ya know. The 10 yr one, my (then) husband and I had just moved from NY to La... there was just no affording another trip back up north right then. This last one (my 20th) I harped about and harped about on Classmates. No one said NOTHING for months on end. No email going out to see what time was good for everyone, nothing until it was all set. By the time I got the invite, I had to choose between a trip at the end of May to visit family and bury my gramma OR go to my reunion at the end of July. Considering I didn't have many friends in high school, it was a no brainer.
AWW this is so sweet, oddly enough I'm not planning on going back for my high school reunion fuck those suckers, of course nowadays we have face book so we never loose touch.
I will probably never go to any of my reunions. I might have gone if I was like you and actually had friends back them. Sob.
I can't believe that more people didn't show up! Well, since I am a no-show myself I guess I shouldn't talk!
The pics are fun. I was thinking that everyone looks the same as they did 10 years ago...that was until I saw the pictures from 10 years ago and everyone looks SO young. Glad you posted this!!
I never went to any of my reunions and I'm really sad about that!! I'm glad you went and at least found a handful of the 700 to connect with :)
wow...700 people? that is insane.
you looked/still look GREAT! :)
Looks like you had a lot of fun! I've kept in contact with my close friends from grade school and high school, so the reunion stuff isn't bit on my list of things to do. That said, it's great to connect again with friends! Loved the pictures!
My 20... gasp... yes, 20 year is next year... no thanks!
But dang girl... you look EXACTLY the same from your high school pictures!! That's insane! What deal with the devil did you make?
I wouldn't go to a high school reunion if you paid me to.
But - if I had gone to YOUR high school - I might. :)
my 10 year reunion is in 2 weeks. I'm really not expecting too many people to show up, though! I hope it's better than I'm anticipating!
Sounds like it was a blast! Is the girl on the far right wearing an evening gown?
The high school joy is so thick here you can slice it!
And you, my dear, have not changed one single bit. You look fabulous and I love the subtle statement you're making with that dress.
And Albert is the best sport ever to not even text Kevin to complain. I bet I would have.
Ah high school..... so awesome.
You, as many have noted, have not changed a bit. that makes it a lot easier to go and have fun...
Hubs has one this year and I have one next - I'm dreading both. I look nothing like I did in HS and it wasn't a change for the better...
oh my goodness!! Look how cute and little Gavin was! Not the best of me. But fun :)
Wow ... your graduating class was bigger than my entire high school - by like 500 students! I graduated with about 30 other people. But I'm from the sticks, so that's to be expected. :)
HA HA! No picture of me! Which I was a little disappointed about since we lived together for two years! Sheesh Kel! Sorry we missed it.
Great pics and what fun. You look like you have not aged at all.
You look EXACTLY the same as you did back in high school. You seriously haven't aged a bit..... but seriously what's your secret! ;)
I'm going to go ahead and assume I'm not the first person to say this but...
What. The. Heck. Are. You? Apparently some sort of anti-aging alien life form.
Looks like you had a good time even if the Hubs didn't!!
Oh man, this makes me wish that I still lived close enough to my hometown that I could actually go to any of my HS reunions. Looks like you had a blast! And I love the way you called out everyone who didn't make it! Heck yeah!
How is it that you haven't changed one little bit in the 10 years since you graduated?? NOT FAIR!!!
Looks like I missed out on a great time at the reunion, I am a party pooper. But lunch was so fun yesterday, we should do it more often for sure!
This was really interesting. I totally LOVE the cactus costume. That's so funny. And so is the one where you said, this is this one couple ten years ago, the one right at the top of the post. That really made me laugh. These pics were really great. Isn't it great to look back? I wonder if I'll go to a reunion or not. Just love some of them pictures.
I absolutely REFUSE to go to my high school reunion! NO THANK YOU, MA'AM! I was one of those that was actually thin and pretty. To look at me now, all you probably could think of to say would be "What the hell happened to you?!"
Ah, don't need THAT kind of stress.
Hey, you ever model? You should!
GOSH Kell, you look so OOOLLLLLLDDD. I would say you've aged at least 15 years. All the drugs, and whatnot. But seriously, I didn't even recognize you. I was like, WHICH ONE IS SHE? You're like two completely different people.....k I'm done.
You look hot! Did you have some nakey time with Linda (that sounds....interesting) cuz you're looking pretty tan to me....
Why must you be going to Powell without me? Why must EVERYONE be going to Powell without me???
What fun!
We didn't have a reunion because my class is full of losers, however, I get to go to Hubby's 20th this fall. Freak out time.
Hmmm, my 20th is coming up and if it is anything like the 10th it will suck too. I hope people show up...but I doubt it.
It was so fun to look through all these pictures, and I see you have a couple of fellow giant friends too! But is it fair that you haven't changed ONE BIT in 10 years? No, it is not!
And you know how I love to bust on you, right? Well, people don't STOCK your blog, you penis, they may STALK it though. Geez Louise, you stoopid. LOL
Justine :o )
I have no idea how many people were at my reunion, but at yours you could actually hear people talking and it looks like you had fun!
At mine? It was so damn loud that there was NO WAY to have a decent conversation. Plus, I was not one of the popular people in HS so I stuck to my BFF like superglue since she's a social butterfly and I'm...not. lol I felt awkward the entire night.
And you have NOT aged AT ALL!! You look the same!! Which is totally a good thing, in your case! Haha!!!
I regret not going to highschool, because I can't go to a highschool reunion.
It looks like you had a really good time! You haven't aged at ALL.
I'm glad you had a fun time! If we hadn't been driving to Alaska, I may have been there. ;) We'll see where we're at when the next reunion comes around! And yes, I stalk your blog!
Ahh the memories..
I went to my reunion.. I'm not sure if I am glad I did or not.
You make high school reunions look worthy of attending. I'm not going to do it, but nice try.
And, what was that girl thinking when she decided to wear her high school prom dress? I'm just angry.
Looks like you had a ton of fun. Were you nervous?
Wow, I kind of figured not many people were going to show up, but I didn't figure that few would! I think I see more people at Target, the mall, or the grocery store when I'm actually in town than showed up @ the reunion! Thanks for posting the pictures though. It's fun to try and pick out who's who.
Okay, so seems as though the SAME thing happened at happened at ours...the lack of presence..!! You look like some serious HOTT STUFF though...!! Loved the past and present pics!! Too bad I don't have a scanner....hmmmm...or not...!!
Firstly....I'm sorry Spencer and I weren't there. Secondly the excuses: Spencer is back in Boston (I swear) and I really, honestly, did not know when, where, or at what time the reunion was. Not that I would have gone without Spence...but we'll catch you at the 20? (or is it 15?:). Love the high school pictures!
OK, what's with the picture with you guys with your legs in the air - havin' babies 101???
My 30th reunion is in two weeks (yes 30th - I am really old!) and I can't go because it's in California. It's a multi-year reunion, and a lot of my friends were in the years ahead of me, so this would have been my one chance to get in touch with them. Guess I'll just have to catch them on Facebook.
I love it! You look exactly the same - how unfair! Now I'm off to look through my yearbook. :)
You look the same! I jsu thad to say what everyone else was saying.
I felt the same way last year at my high schoo; reunion--mad at the classmates who chose no tto come and happy to reconnect at the same time. Oh did we bring out the pictures! Your friends are probably not going to talk to you for 3 days but on the 4th day you willbe able to laugh aboutthe pics!
love that you outed all the no shows! you haven't changed a bit in 10 years! looks like a lot of fun - i haven't been to school reunion for ever!
I'm still debating going to my 10 year this fall. We'll see. These pics are all great. I have a friend like that too-always changing her number.
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