A lot.
Rain is so annoying, I mean you spend a good hour fixing your hair and makeup just right and then it's totally ruined the second you step outside. I guess that's what umbrellas were invented for huh?
Are umbrellas in or out? In Utah, it seems that if you use an umbrella it means that you are either a very high maintanance conceited person or an 80 year old grandma.
Or a very high maintanance conceited 80 year old grandma.
Maybe this is all in my head, I don't know. I'd like to use one but I really feel silly walking around with an umbrella. I'm paranoid about it. I know everyone who looks my way is all laughing at me inside their heads. Everyone is having such a good time at my expense I just know it. After I walk by they all buckle over in laughter and give each other high fives.

Then when you get inside, what the hell do you do with thing? It's this soaking wet mess so you can't just stuff it in your purse. Now you look even more ridiculous carrying around a dripping wet canopy in doors. This is when it stops being funny and people are just annoyed with you. You get "the eye" and if you stay really quiet, you can actually hear the cuss words under their breath.
Seriously, is it okay to have an umbrella or is it a fashion no-no? Am I really a high maintenance conceited 80 year old grandma for wanting to stay dry? And what type is better? I've seen grown women with hello kitty umbrella's, is that tacky?
You see? Why do I even worry about these things? Because I'm a high maintenance conceited 80 year old grandma.
Are you?
(There is, however, one kind of umbrella that I really don't mind):

I say if you're gonna carry one, make it the most outlandish one you can find! Then you go from geek to chic. That's all totally untrue. But use one anyhow. Nobody wants to get wet.
I always forget to grab it before I leave the house, so I don't know if its fashionable or not. I DO like the umbrella's in the drinks though.................
I'm actually an umbrella freak! I love beautiful ones. I bought one with is the burberry plaid & I will carry it for a CHANCE of rain just because I think its so beautiful.
If Mary Poppins can sport an umbrella, I want to sport one too!
I don't even know where our one umbrella is right now! Boo. I am sick of this effing weather!
An umbrella here is a fashion accessory they are all the rage! Love that one I say would love to give mother nature the bird!
heck yeah, it keeps the rain out of your drink...smiles.
Ever since I lived at the shore and there was so much wind that I would go airborne with an umbrella I just stopped carrying them.
My kids always take of with mine and break it. We alway wear hoodies so usually that's enough.
the last time I used an umbrella the damn thing flipped inside out and I looked like an ass...so i say, leave it in the car.
Having grown up in the Seattle area, carrying an umbrella was a necessity. I'd rather be mistaken for high maintenance or an 80 year old grandmother than sport the oh-so-unbecoming drowned rat look. ;)
Be a rebel. Carry an umbrella. ;)
Use an umbrella for crap's sake!!! What do you want, pneumonia?? Take names of anyone who gives you a hard time, and I'll beat 'em up for you.
We fly out in 31 days. Wanna come???
Man living in Washington they think we're wimps if we bust one out but sometimes you just have to!
most places have the great plastic bags to put them in when you get there :)
The people who are looking at you funny when having an umbrella are thinking "Why the hell don't I have one"!
Who cares what others think! If anyone seems to be annoyed with you having a wet umbrella you can just walk over to them and shake the water off on them.
Unbrella's of any kind are cool in my book!
I never even thought twice about it! I never get to use ours though because if it is raining Kaishon takes the umbrella and gives the extra one to his friend Shoshi :) Oh well!
Pooba, I didn't know you worried so much about what other people think. Whow gives a flying turd whether you want to use a stinking umbrella. I use em and if people think that means I am high maintenance let them. I have found it is usually women with thick eye brows and mustaches who just roll out of bed and throw some clothes on that think in that way anyhow. I mean what's a little rain going to do to a mustache? Now real make up and hair.... rain could cause a disaster.
I think you should get the umbrella just to show everyone what you think!
Since when do you care what anyone else thinks??!! You are a trend-setter woman...go all out!! I think umbrellas are a pain in the ace...so that's the only reason I don't use one...I'm jealous everytime I see someone with one though...!!
I have an umbrella in my car and one in my trunk at all times. Seattle upbringing and it can rain some serious rain in ATL too.
That pic of the umbrella is hilarious.
Well, here in the Seattle area we say that you can tell who the tourists are...they're the ones carrying an umbrella. lol
Actually, I DO carry one sometimes, but usually it's only if I don't have a coat with a hood.
Everyone uses umbrellas here, even in a fine mist!
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