Wasn't she the cutest baby? Sorry, just thought I'd throw that picture in here for some reason. Anyway, she is awesome and I wish I had the balls to send her suggested email because it would have been hilarious!
The actual email I sent Pube:
Ok, wow, I’m a little taken back by your texts. Is this all because I didn’t respond to one of your texts until the next day? I was camping in park city (Not sure why that is so hard to believe) so I honestly didn’t see your text until the next day. I’m sorry if you thought I was not answering on purpose, that wasn’t it at all. Sometimes I am busy and just don’t look at my phone, especially over the weekends. I’ve explained all this to you before so stop reading into things that aren’t there. It’s just texting; if you need an immediate answer you can call me.
I don’t think we are on the same page here. We are not in a relationship, we are just dating. I know you would like a relationship right now but I've already told you that I don’t. I enjoy hanging out with you, but I think it’s a good idea if we stop dating now before anyone gets hurt. I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I wanted a relationship, with my situation I just think it is good idea to keep dating other people. I’m just not ready for commitment right now which is not good for you. Sounds like you need someone who is ready to be with you and can give you 100%.
I can’t do that.
And now the email suggested by lil sis:
I don't think we are on the same page here, I'm far from looking for someone serious which includes your bitch ass who needs your hand held everyday! I told u I'm not good at texting, u can call me and get an immediate response since that is what you need, if u continue to loose sleep over me not txting back than u can just forget this. I can't handle your leaky vagina moments at 3am anymore, man up and back off a little bit if you 'want me'
So what do you think, should I have used lil sis's email?
It would have made hellofa more entertaining story that's for sure. And that's all I'm looking for right now with this dating thing, entertainment.
And distraction.
I love Lil Sis's response! But like you, I would not have the balls to send it.
My sisters would make me send the 2nd email because as you said, it would make a more interesting story...we are jerks like that! LOL
I just keep envisioning that little blond haired little girl saying those things... now THATS funny! Kinda like that video of that kid yelling at Will Farrell for rent money! :)
Ohmygosh!!! Hilarious - hers, not yours Poob, sorry!
Why is it that I'm now feeling the overwhelming urge to make you a "leaky vagina moment" card??? Yeah, that would be kinda gross, but maybe.....
Bahaha your sisters email was awesome!
def send hers...lol
Lil Sis's response is awesome!
How much easier to break things off with email. :)
ha! I thought your email was much too nice. Definitely go with sister's/
Leaky vagina - OMG, hilarious.
Definitely should have gone with sisters email. :)
But you don't want him to come after you with a knife.....
My first thought would have been to go with your Lil Sis's response...but I probably would have sent what you sent instead. ;)
Man, lil sis is a ball buster. Good for her! I probably would have sent one similar to yours.
Your sis cuts like a knife while still leaving the door open. That takes skill.
I cannot even respond to your sis' version of what you should have written. I'm still hyperventilating..or ROFLMAO
Anyway, WHAT did he say back? Anything? Honestly, why do I have to keep leading you onto your next blog post? Surely you know inquiring minds wanna know!
Interesting!! So much info passed via text, calling can be so much easier at times.
"leaky vagina moments"
So great.
Either one would be fine, as long as you really call him "Pube."
Ha ha I'm still laughing out loud at Karins response. I think I shocked her to her core.
I think you should've sent both in one email. Give him a taste of his own mood swings.
Lil sis looks so sweet and innocent but she packs a punch!!! LOL I so would have sent hers in my dreams, but would be like you :)
Oh my goodness. I think if your email didn't do the trick something is really really wrong w/ Pube is it? I don't know why his mom would name him that. Anyway if yours didn't work send hers.
No you are not dumb. They are an antigen? I don't know if I spelled that right to help rid your body of too much yeast. Hence the yeast infection joke.
Nice emails...Go with yours tho :) Ahh the world of texting...gets us all in trouble I'm afraid. That's why I enjoy ACTUAL conversations...so much gets lost in the world of text, email, etc.
I love Lil Sis's response. Hilarious.
Yeah, I'm definitely on the same page as lil' sis. I think honesty is key! :)
Not to mention, I can't take anyboby seriously with the assigned nickname of "Pube."...yes, I'm laughing, but really? Pube?
And yes, why text? Just effin call! I'm with your cute lil' sis on that too. You're both terrific.
Boo! It's ME!!!!!
OMG, "leaking vagina moments." That shit should be put on a Hallmark card or something.
Justine :o )
I have actually sent texts like your sister's. Doesn't end well. Not everyone shares our intimate love of sarcasm.
Ok..your little sis sounds like my BIG sis! She seems to have it right!
Well..I'm gonna follow your blog because after reading several posts, you have a more interesting life than I do, so I will live vicariously...thru you...if ya don't mind :)
(and WTF? that was the first word verification I ever missed...I must need new glasses...)
Dude, seriously! BLOG SOMETHING so we know you're still alive!!! Besides I need your help, so pop over to my blog, k??
Love you!
I'm backing your sisters text. Hey if you all are texting then to hell with politeness. It appears texting is all about in your face crazy sh**!
But maintaining a semblance of dignity is always a good thing too.
Dang tough choice!
LOVE your sassy sister...
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