Mostly for my family and friends who are confused as to why I left the church (LDS church, you know the mormons?). I may write more and stick it on a page somewhere in this lil ol blog for those who care to read it, but for now, I found this website that explains EXACTLY why I left the church.
I have done so much research on this subject (the foundation of the church) from both Mormon and Non-Mormon historians that when I came across this website it felt like I was reading my own writing.
Before I post what I believe about the church, I want to post a link to the official LDS Website just so you can have information from both views.
So, for anyone who is curious as to why I left "the church", here is the website:
20 Truths About Mormonism
Here's the rundown with links to each section:
1. False Translation of Book of Abraham
2. Kinderhook Plates Proclaimed Ancient Records by Joseph
3. Joseph's Plagiarism in Book of Mormon and Other Revelations
4. Polygamy and Joseph's Many Wives
5. Emotionality as Evidence
6. Changing Doctrine Over Time
7. False Prophecies by Joseph
8. Lying for the Lord
9. Joseph's Use of the Seer Stone to Find Treasure
10. Blood Atonement Preached and Enforced
11. Joseph's Vain Ambitions

12. Defections of Church Leaders and Scholars
13. Substantial Changes to Book Of Mormon in subsequent Editions
14. Unrealistic Population Growth in Book of Mormon
15. Genetic Evidence Discounts that Native Americans Descended from Jews
16. Critics Squelched - "Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain!"
17. Church Prejudice Against Blacks
18. Was it Nephi or Moroni?
19. No Archaeological Evidence for Book of Mormon
20. Contradictory Versions of First Vision
If you do check out the website, feel free to let me know what you think. Whether you agree, disagree or missagree (Oh yeah, that's a word) I love hearing other thoughts and beliefs.
Okay, so even if you don't check out the website, what's your opinion on religion?
Do you believe in Religion? Do you believe in God?
Oh yeah, I went there.
ok, did not read them all but religeon without relationship is oppression....
I know absolutely nothing about the Mormon religion so the links won't make sense to me, but I do believe in God. I'm not entrenched in a particular religion anymore though because I've moved so much.
As a girl who grew up completely engulfed in the mormon religious, I agree with all of your points 100%. I initially started faltering or becoming inactive for personal reasons that didn't have anything to do with what I felt was the truth. I'll admit that a lot of it had to do with people in the church. But then I started reading and researching and searching for the truth. I have done a lot of studying on this subject and am now completely convinced that I have done the right thing by leaving the church.
I have a friend on FB who completely disengaged herself from the church for many of the same issues. Did you know there is a group on FB geared towards people who left the church??
I do believe in God, I believe Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. I do not believe in religion. Even Jesus didn't. I believe in relationship..
I havent read these... but a few of them peeked my interest so I'm going to have to take a gander.
You know I believe in God. Thankful for Jesus... I have to say, I dont have much "faith" in religion though - even as much as I love my church, I still say that. I really dislike the idea of organized religion for most part - it just creates drama - heartbreak - it causes more people to TURN AWAY from God, I believe.
I just read a book called "Churchianity" that I think you would really appreciate. Its about why people turn away from church to find Jesus... its really eye opening & goes with exactly why I believe the church sometimes causes damage in a relationship with God... exactly NOT what He wants.
I just pray you find a relationship with God on your own terms... not to follow a organization or someone else's beliefs...
I'm actually very proud of you for looking into all the research you've done...
And of course, you know I'm always open for any open conversation about the topic... I love ya lady!
I think that it is great that you posted this. I too grew up in a very morman house and married into one as well. I was involved in the church for a few years after getting married and it was always a fight with my husband and I. We both on our own started researching the church, praying, really listening in church and to the teachings for almost 3 years (like the say to do search, ponder and pray) and we both came up with the same answer. It was not for us. We have had an extremely better marriage and are both so much happier. I know that I did the right thing.
My opinion is that whatever makes someone really truely happy that is all that matters. Weither religion gives them that comfort and security they need then great. As long as they are living the way they want to. There are so many people in the LDS church (expecially here in Utah) that live it because that is what they are "supposed" to do. That is so sad to me.
I don't believe in a church but I do believe in God. Maybe that is only because I can't let go of the fact that once you die you are gone but I do believe there is an after life and God is real. If you are a good person you will be just fine.
I could go on and on about this. If you want to discuss more I would love to!
I clicked a few and all I can say is "So Joseph was a liar?".
Mormon's fascinate me. I totally don't "get" them. It's like Catholic's. Just a wee bit left of center.
I do believe in God. We don't attend church. But the kids are asking and I have a few church's in mind to take them to. I just have to decide on which group of people I want to see every Sunday and balance that against the preacher.
I didn't read the links, yet but yes I believe in God. I've been a Christian for as long as I can remember.
I don't know much about Mormanism, in fact I confuses me a lot from what's out there and what I've grown up hearing about it. I actually bought a book once up on a time that compared all the different religions out there. I should probably actually read it. :0P
Do I even want to click on the links? :)
Poob you always are so free with what you think and say I really love you to that! I do go to church as a Christian and do enjoy some of the things but not when people are pushy or expect you to do things and then try to make you feel like your not GOOD or a believer if you don't do that. Hence my whole ordeal with the carnival.
I always have believed that we all get to choose and make our own path. If someone tries to make me feel bad or guilt me into something then I think they need to take a look and read the bible again.
I did the whole devout Mormon thing for the first 36 years of my life. I didn't believe it, but I really wanted to.
Finally, I just said to hell with it(haha, get it!) I couldn't keep up the charade any longer.
There is no God. There never was and there never will be... regardless of whatever Charlie Sheen appoints himself.
God? Jesus? Not sure. A higher being? Probably, possibly. I was raised as a Catholic and went to Catholic schools from K-12. My family wasn't a practicing family other than the Christmas and Easter services. Once I left high school I never looked back....haven't been to church of any kind. Talked about it? Sure. Heard about other religions? Sure. Any that caught my attention or sparked an interest? Not at all. My kids know a bit about God, but haven't been to church, are not baptized, etc. Will I introduce them to a church organization? I have thought about it, but am still indecisive. I didn't like how God and the word of God was pushed on me when I was in school so I think I have just gone to the other end of the spectrum. I may just let the boys find their own beliefs with out pushing anything on them.
I am loving the responses guys! This has been such a HUGE part of my life and I am so interested in the subject and learning about what other's believe and why. Thank you for sharing! Keep it up, even if you want to tell me to go to hell, I'd love to hear it!
I LOVE that you posted this! A lot of these links covered why I was always skeptical of the church and then finally decided to cut ties with Mormonism all together. I guess my religion is more of a motto of be nice, do good, try not to do too much bad and all will be OK in the end...and there ya have it. ☺
Go to HELL!
No, really I'm kidding! I still go to church. I like having a day to think about God and Jesus. If I die and find out it was all false I don't think I will have any regrets because I am happy! I really hate how people can be pushy or judmental. I've decided that I just don't like those people.
As far as believing you'll go to hell cause your not religous is a bunch of bull! I think it depends on what kind of person you are and not on where you go to church.
PS What does your mom think? Just wondering.
God well lets just say "nature" is god for me. On religion in general - just look at the debates in our country with religious right and then the middle east. Religion can be the source for most insanity and destruction and negativity in the world...
I do believe in God. I consider myself a Christian, though not a particular denomination.
And hey, why not go there? We can talk religion w/o fighting. Right? :)
I do believe in God, I'm a Christian...but I don't believe in 'organized religion'. ;)
I believe in God, but I've attended a variety of faith churches. I've read a lot about Mormons, because I'm curious. In a weird kind of way. I'd love to read about your experiences.
Oh, wow. You really went THERE, didn't you? I haven't even had the courage to do that over on The Jason Show, at least not getting into all of the doctrinal stuff.
I have, of course, done a lot of reading of my own. And for me, probably the biggest one has to be #5: Emotionality as Evidence. That one is HUGE in my book.
I'm proud of you!
I just went back and read the part about prejudice against black people. All I can say is HOLY COW. I knew the history, but I didn't remember the actual comments made by McConkie, Brigham Young (my 4th great uncle--I'm so proud), and Mark E. Peterson. Unbelievable.
What are your emotional reasons?
My emotional reasons for leaving the church or are you asking what reason number 5. Emotionality as evidence?
I'm gonna have to say that as a devout member of the Mormon church, I disagree with this, but thats ok. I have my own thought-out, spiritual, logical and emotional reasons for believing in the church just as you have your reasons for not believing. We all have a right to our own beliefs and opinions, right? Also, just in case anyone is interested in a different perspective, I'm happy to answer questions. Keep being awesome!
Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)
I feel like I should put my opinion up here since most of them on here are from people who have left the church. The reason I have stayed with the church is purely spiritual, they way I feel about the Gospel. Even if I tried, I couldn't deny the positive impact it has played on my life. I went on an LDS mission and taught the gospel and watched peoples lives change. I respect those who quit going to church for personal reasons but for me, it is my life. I try to live my life in a way that people will know I am 'Mormon' and love the church. I am who I am because of my beliefs.
I was wondering why you chose to leave, those reasons are just a beginning as to why I left. I think that religion causes people to be judgmental (for the most part). I go to an organized religion, because I personally know the pastor, and he preaches the bible, not the religion. I do believe in God. It is also a huge part in my life, people say "you can leave the church, but you can't leave the church alone" well yeah, I live in Utah I am surrounded by it and it won't leave me alone! The more I get into the bible the more I see how wrong mormonism is. I know in one of your posts (yes I was blog stalking you! now I am an official follower!) you has said you were not quite sure about God, I am willing to talk with you- if you are ever open to it, I don't want to be pushier than my facebook posts ;)
Thanks for sharing your beliefs Pooba. I grew up in Alaska with strong devout family and neighbors of LDS faith. My birth mother was an alcoholic and left me with birth defects (FAS) and an orphan at age three. So the beginning of my life was completely out of control. I was adopted and then raised in Sunday School, Primary, and seminary. My life has been so blessed by knowing who Christ is now. I know and believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet-and restored this church. I now have a family for eternity, the knowledge that my children will be with me forever, and I testify that God lives and wants us back with Him. Why would I follow a blog...that goes against so much of my beliefs? Because Pooba makes me laugh-and I still believe that one day we'll have more in common. Until then, I love how honest she is, loyal to her family and very kind to everyone:)
I have always wonder if your ex husband left the church too. Was a decision you took together? Who started that conversation?
I'm just curious.
Yes my ex husband left the church. He actually left the church about 3 or 4 years before I did. When he told me he was leaving the church I was devistated! I was a devout mormon at the time and by him leaving the church basically meant that we could not be together forever. So I was heart broken. Which is why I understand how my family and friends feel now that I have left the church. I guess I've been in both places.
I really need to write a post about this, it feels good to get it out!
Wow! I stumbled across your blog accidently. Great thoughts..and very brave. I am from Utah, a non-mormon and keep my mouth shut. But you made me realize, I don't have to feel this way. Mormons who know I am not mormon refer to their church as "the" church, as does the local media. It isn't "the" church to me. My Grandfather and his brother told me about their witnessing blood atonements in their small town in Utah. I have great respect for the good mormons I know, and some of them show great respect to me. But I believe this is unique to Utah. Thanks for opening the diolouge. PS..I am a non practicing Methodist
AHHH I just left a huge long note and it got deleted. I am exhausted from the day and will reply later.
Kel- sorry no cell phones in ICU!
As I sit by my son's bedside in ICU, I think how would I handle all of this without my faith and beliefs? It has brought me so much comfort and joy during these hard months. Comfort through the holy ghost and Jesus. What would be the purpose of life without our Heavenly Father? Why would it be important to be a good person? I can't begin to imagine not being with my family after we die. My heart swells with gratitude to know that we are sealed together as a family for all eternity. There is nothing in the LDS church that is bad or wicked. Only the people are not perfect. Jesus did believe in religion, he was baptized, he had His church. I believe that is the church I belong to. He had 12 apostles just like we do today. My faith has been tried and tested. With all this crap going on, I have questioned many things- but I know that we have a Heavenly Father.
His son, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. But you already knew all this Poob!
Pooba, Pooba, Pooba...
I guess we can just agree to disagree.
I will just say ditto to the Cluff family remarks.
I stumbled across your blog I guess it was about a week ago and I can't get it out of my mind. So sorry if this is long, but I wanted to share something I wrote on my blog about a year ago.
Easter Sunday is my favorite day of the year. It is a day that we celebrate the greatest victory; the victory over death. All of us will experience death and most all of us have lost a loved one. It is hard to believe that it was 4 1/2 years ago when I held my precious baby in my arms. I felt my Savior's love for me as I held Maxwell in my arms. He was so warm, sweet and perfect in every way. I held his little hand in mine and rubbed his tiny little fingers. I knew I was the one holding him back, At that moment I knew I needed to say goodbye for a season. On the fifth day in the hospital I remember the nurse coming in and telling me that they found two infant boys in Canada and Mexico that were in critical condition and needed organs quickly. Maxwell was a perfect match. I had 30 minutes until the medical team would be there to take Maxwell into surgery. I held Maxwell tight, kissing his little face, fingers and toes. I told him that I loved him and that I would do everything to make sure our family is forever. My heart was broken and hurt. I knew I had to let him go. I took a deep breath and did the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Wrapped in a soft white blanket I handed Maxwell to Pam, Maxwell's NICU nurse. I told her to please take care of my baby and keep him warm as long as possible. My eyes were fixed on my child. I didn't want to look away. As I sat there my heart truly felt like it was ripped from within. My arms ached and I already longed to hold my baby. It was at this moment in my life that the Atonement of Jesus Christ became real to me. My Savior suffered all of this as well. He not only suffered for my sins, but for my pain, my sorrow and even the anguish a mother and father feels when they lose a child.
My Savior understood what Jeremy and I were experiencing. In a matter of seconds Maxwell was gone from my sight, the medical team had arrived. I went back to my hospital room and sat alone. Maxwell's mission on earth would soon be over. The clock confirmed that his surgery would be done shortly. I left the hospital with a vacant car seat, empty arms and a broken heart. However, since that night my life has been forever changed. I am grateful for the lessons I learned in the hospital and the lessons I continue to learn from Maxwell's death. Jeremy and I are truly blessed, and I owe that to a Father in Heaven who doesn't abandon us in trials, but in fact I have discovered the complete opposite. He has been there the entire time and has blessed us with much peace and comfort. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to grow and come to know my Savior a little bit better.
My testimony of my Savior and of His ressurection has truly grown immensely. "I am the Ressurection, and the life he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." In the scriptures Job asked the universal question, "If a man die, shall he rise again?" Our Savior Jesus Christ answers, "Because I live, ye shall live also." Life is in fact eternal! I know that death is not the end, but really the beginning. To the sorrowful women at the tomb, the angels proclaimed, "What seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen." At the mortuary Jeremy and I were greeted by a lady who said, "Would you like to see your son? Hesistant, not knowing what to expect I answered, "Yes." I was preparing myself for my baby to be in some sort of metal bed with wheels. I was surprised when the kind lady came walking out of a room with Maxwell in her arms bundled in a blanket.I felt at peace, it was if angels were there lifting me up and helping me through a very difficult time. As I looked at Maxwell's body it was him, but not him. Something was indeed there 3 days ago that was no longer present. It was in fact Maxwell's spirit that was missing and his little body looked empty. A voicewhispered ever so softly,
" Mom, everything is going to be ok." I know that everything is going to be ok. Those simple words have never left me. Sadness will come to all of us in the loss of a loved one. However, I am so grateful for my Savior, my Reedemer Jesus Christ who broke the bands of death. I know that God lives and Jesus is the Christ. He gave His life for all of us. I am so grateful for Easter and the miracle of an empty tomb. I know that I will see my baby Maxwell again and that families go beyond the grave. My Savior and Redeemer has made this possible. I am eternally grateful for the happiness, peace, and joy that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to me. I couldn't imagine not having the gospel in my life. I know without a doubt that God lives and Jesus is the Christ. Happy Easter!
~Rachel :)
I might as well jump in... Happy to see you did your research about Mormonism. Try "AlwaysBeReady.Com" for great info on many other religions and cults that stray from Biblical Truth. I can only speak for myself concerning religion. It's not about religion. (Satan would like us to think it is!) It's simply about a committed relationship with Jesus Christ. I am a sinner (as are we all) who cannot meet God's standards of perfection through any other means but to accept the sacrifice of a perfect Savior who gave His life for mine. (That's why the Father gave us His Son... He showed us we couldn't, on our own, achieve sinlessness when He gave us those 10 Commandments to follow.) Jesus paid it all. He paid a debt for me (and YOU) that I could never pay, and all he wants from me is for me to accept this gift of love and have a relationship with Him. (What??? HE wants a relationship with ME?!) In response, I am happy to make him Lord of my life and will continue from this point on, living in His service, for His glory... because only He is worthy. I cannot begin to express my gratefulness to Him for what He did for me... and the beautiful way He continues to walk with me everyday of my life. Eternity begins NOW. Choose this day whom you will serve... and let's all celebrate our Risen Savior and the (present and) future we have in Him! The Bible is clear that those who add to this simple message (the Gospel) will be held accountable to God. (I am part of the fellowship at Calvary Chapel, St. Pete. If you are interested, tune in to our live services: Wed at 7 pm, Sat. 6 pm, Sun. 9 & 11 am ccStpete.Com We worship with cool contemporary music and teach from the Word!) Blessings to you on your journey toward the Truth. Make sure you get the right Jesus! And make sure He gets ALL of YOU.
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