So I was tagged by
Mmmm....Tastes Good to do 7 random facts about myself. I am not one to back down from a challenge so here goes!
1. When I was younger I thought that in order for the toilet to flush there had to be something in it. Don't ask me why, but I remember wanting to flush the toilet to trick my mom so I would always put a piece of toilet paper in it first, otherwise I thought it couldn't flush.

2. I have to sleep with a fan on. I can't sleep without the noise, even in the winter I have to have the fan going. I got this habit from my mom, she always slept with a fan on and I would always sneak into my parent's room at night and sleep on their floor. Now that I'm married I make Alex sleep with the fan on too, one time he threatened to take the fan away and I got so upset! I said "FINE, then I'll go sleep by myself in the guest room with my fan!"

The fan stayed.
3. It bothers me when things aren't even. For example, if one sleeve is higher than the other, I can't stand it! Or when I walk on the cross walk I consciously make sure that each foot steps on the same number of cracks. If I see a car drive on the side of the road and one tire is on the white line and the others aren't I can't handle it, I have to look away.

4. I have a retarded toe. On my right foot, the middle toe will not straighten all the way. No matter how hard Alex tries to straighten it out, it remains curled up. It drives Alex crazy because when I'm laying on the couch and the bottom of my feet are facing him, that one toe is staring right at him! Creepy!

5. I can't eat, cook, or do anything involving food without making a huge mess. Even at nice restaurants when the waiter takes my plate away there are crumbs and sauce all over my side of the table while my hubster's side is spotless! I go through about 15 napkins that I crumple up while Alex has one napkin that is clean and neatly folded at the end of each meal.

I think my problem is that I'm too tall.

6. I'm a picker. I pick everything on everybody. I would not marry Alex until he agreed that I could pick any zits that he happened to get whenever I wanted. That was our prenuptial agreement. When I was in school I had to sit on my hands so that I wouldn't pick the zit on the neck of the guy sitting in front of me. Seriously, it's a problem. Scabs, blisters, peeling skin, one time my dog had a little bump on his skin and Alex had to watch me at all times so I wouldn't pick at it. I need help.
I'll spare you the zit picking photos!
7. I am a list maker. I make lists for everything. Groceries, To do's, bills, home inventory, lists of everything! I make a list of what I pack every time I go on vacation or travel for work. Then when I unpack I make sure everything on the list is checked off. I decorate the titles of my lists every time and if I mess up, I have to throw that list away and start a new one. For example, if this were my list, it would be in the trash

I write rough drafts of every list and then I write a final list so that I make sure I have everything organized into the right categories & sub categories. It's an illness. I even wrote a rough draft of this list before I typed it up.
How sad.
Well, now that the whole world knows how weird I am, I want to know how weird you are! I tag:
Cluff Family News2.
The Orr's3.
The Hoppers
Life's Greatest Pleasures5.
The Silkmans6.
Heath'e' & Family7.
The Harper FamilyGo for it.