Let me back up.
Alyse, Andrea, and I will be going to the Fall Out Boy concert in April and I was supposed to buy the tickets a long long time ago but I just haven't gotten around to it. American Idol has just monopolized my time, well, that and all the other shows sitting on my DVR waiting to be watched. Life is so hard.
So back to yesterday, I heard on the radio that they were giving away tickets if you could unscramble the words in the title of a song. They've been doing this awhile now and I had no intention of ever playing because you just can't get through by telephone. But yesterday I just went for it.
I dialed and it was busy. Redialed....busy. Redialed...busy. Redialed..."Hello X96?"
At that point I freaked out and yelled "20 Dollar Nose Bleed!"I was so loud that I'm sure I woke up my sleeping nephew 40 minutes away! Lo and behold I won! I was so excited but after my little screaming about nose bleeds, people were beginning to peak into my office to see if I was being raped, so I tried to calm myself down and started whispering instead. The radio guy probably thought I was a freak!
I won tickets to the Fall Out Boy concert! Woot! Woot! It's a good thing I'm a procrastinator and didn't buy the tickets a few weeks ago like I had planned! After I hung up with the guy I heard myself on the radio and about died, I sounded like a blubbering idiot!
So now I have a problem. I won two tickets but there are three of us going. To whom do I give the other ticket? Here are my options...
1. Give it to my baby sis Alyse who is a single starving college student but doesn't have a family to feed. Wait, scratch the starving part, she still lives at home, but she needs her big sister's help to get back out into the dating world after having one boyfriend for years. She needs to go out and have a good time, but she was planning to pay for the ticket herself anyway.
2. OR Give it to my fabulous friend Andrea, who after all beautified my hair this week with her genius coloring ability and I think I totally under tipped her! Plus she works 2 jobs, but she too was planning on paying for the ticket herself. (Yes I totally stole this pic from her blog)
3. OR give it to my little sis Lindee, who I had already invited but she couldn't go because she needed to save her money to buy her school books. She has admitted she's not a huge fan of Fall Out Boy but has expressed her jealousy that Alyse and I are going without her.
Decisions, decisions. If you know me, I cannot decide by myself so I need your help!
Who should I give the extra ticket to?
UPDATE: Lindee has now written her plea on her blog of why she deserves the free ticket.
UPDATE #2: Alyse (the baby sis) has now written her plea in the comments as Anonymous. By the length of her comment I think it's time she gets her own blog don't you?