This past weekend was one of my favorite times of the year.
The Utah Pride Festival!

This is a 3 day festival in celebration of gay, lesbian, transgender, & bisexual individuals. For us who have gay or lesbian family members and friends, we come together and join in the festivities and educational activities to show our support. You will never see a more diverse group of people come together like this anywhere else. At least I haven't!

Sunday is the biggest day of the event where they have a parade in the morning and various concerts throughout the day. I have to admit that I have missed the parade every year because I sleep in.
Come on, it's the weekend, that's what I do best!

But I hear it is queertastic! Now I'm warning you now, if you can't handle pictures of half naked men and girl on girl action, this post is not for you! Okay so holding hands is about all I found for the girl on girl action, but still. I also need to warn you that you will see mullets.
Yes. Mullets.
Alright here is some hand holding and mullet goodness all in one pic! Take it all in folks, that mullet is classic!

Girls, there is eye candy everywhere! And your husbands can't even feel threatened because they are all gay. (The eye candy, not your husbands. At least I hope your husbands aren't gay, if they are then you have a serious case of fruit blindness and you should probably get that checked at your next eye appointment. Just sayin.)

Lindee (lil sis) and Logan (lil sis's son) got in on all the action, but I don't think Logan had as much fun...I have no idea why not.

There was one thing missing though...their asses!

Seriously, where did they all go?

Maybe this has something to do with it.

I kid, I kid! And I can kid because Lin and I are tight with the gay folk. They love us and we love them even more.

And like I said, there were all types of gays there. The flamboyant ones.

And some that were still in the closet. (If you can't read this guys shirt, it says "Nobody Knows I'm Gay" Ha! I love it!)

Even the pets were gay.

I feel bad that I had to leave my gay kitties at home. They don't do well in public and like to keep their lifestyle private, but they sent their love.
Now look at this beautiful Mastiff. I saw this dog and about died, he reminded me so much of my sweet
Bain! And when I heard his familiar deep bark I almost cried, I love Mastiffs!

Now my favorite booth to visit every year is the GLDS. Of course this booth is not supported by the LDS (mormon) church, but it's a booth to show support for gays and lesbians that are or were LDS.

My favorite thing to look at is the missionary map. Anyone who is gay or lesbian and went on an LDS mission come to put a little flag on the state or country where they served. The map is always so full of flags that you can hardly see the map underneath! Unfortunately I couldn't find it this year so I don't have a pic for you.

I'm not one to get offended, I understand people have their own beliefs and feelings about issues such as this so I'm open to hearing your opinions. I don't judge, I'd just like to know what everyone else thinks and since this has been a popular subject in the news lately I just wanna know,
What's your view on this lifestyle? Do you support gay marriage?
Come on, spill it!