Time: 6:45 pm
Place: The bed. Me laying on my stomach holding my head in my hands staring at the hubster. Him laying on his back, one hand behind his head, staring at his iphone.
Me: "Ok, so lets say we leave at 7:00." (Meaning he better be ready to leave at 7 o'clock)
Him: "I'll try but I have to shower."
Me: "Come on, you're a Dude." (Meaning dudes take fast showers and don't require much time get ready because, well, they're dudes.)
Him: (Thinking that when I said "You're a dude" that I meant he didn't need to take a shower. (Ew) Why he thought this I have NO idea because everyone knows it's girls who can go a day without taking a shower, not dudes. Duh.)
Him: "I went tanning" (This reply meant that he really did need to take a shower because he had gone tanning that day and was emitting a very pungent odor similar to rotten eggs and death.)
Me: "What? Why does that matter?" (Having no idea why he mentioned that he went tanning and wondering if he meant that he would have to do something special in the shower because he smelled like rotten eggs and death. Which still doesn't make sense, a shower is a shower.)
Him: Sighing, "Never mind Poob." Starts playing with his iphone.
Me: "No wait, let's recap. I said let's leave at 7:00, you said you need to take a shower, I said you're a dude meaning that you should be able to take a fast shower, you said that you went tanning. Why would you say that? It isn't even relephant!"
(Pausing, realizing I just said relephant instead of relevant.)
Him: "Really Poob?" Raising an eyebrow.
Me: "I just said relephant." Busting up laughing.
Him: "You. Dork."
Me: Tearing up, "I am hilarious. I just made up a new word, I'm the funny one!"
*Side Note: We constantly fight over who the funny one is in the relationship. I always win obviously.
Him: "No, you're not the funny one, notice you're the only one laughing?" Trying not to laugh (or cry) as I start punching him in the man boob.
rel-e-phant [rel-uh-fuh nt]
Bearing upon or connected with the matter at hand in a VERY BIG way.