*Only bloggers that post at least once a week are eligible. My rule, deal with it.
Happy 101 Sweet Friends Award
I received this award from Melissa at Mom of 3, thanks Melissa!
Rules: List 10 things that make you happy and pass it on to 10 blogs.
1. Albert
2. My furry children
3. Fruity Pebbles
4. My nieces & nephews
5. Good Wine
6. My iPod
7. Blockbuster
8. Dancing
9. My muffin top
10. Your mom
I pass this on to these sweet bloggers:
1. DeAnna
2. Beautiful Mess
3. Jeanne at Chronic Healing
4. Heath'e'
5. Mommy Matters
6. Steph In The City
7. My Addition of Gab
8. Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha
9. Confessions Of A Country Girl
10. Life's About A Dream
One Lovely Blog Award

From Dawn at Life of a domestic goddess Dawn rocks! (Dawn if you're reading this did you go private? Can I have an invite?)
1. The Adventures of Jon and Steph
2. The Maaaa of Pricilla
3. Mama's Losin' It
4. Mom Taxi Julie
5. The Lords Humor...
6. Show My Face
7. Seven Clown Circus
Beautiful Blogger Award

From Laura at Hey What's For Dinner Mom? , thanks Laura!
Rules: Post 7 random factoids about yourself and then pass it to seven other bloggers.
Seven Random Facts (Not sure what factoids are, is there a difference?):
1. My mom failed me when it came to teaching me about puberty. I never knew (until I started birth control) that you could track your period to exactlty every 28 days. I knew it came monthly but I just thought we were supposed to watch for it, a guessing game if you will. Thanks mom. And thank you birth control
2. I always thought that the color of our blood was really blue inside our body and that it only turned red when it came into contact with oxygen. I swear I learned that in school didn't you?
3. My husband has decided to charge me for every story that I write about him on this blog. Not even kidding. (But I've got a juicy one coming up! Any donations are appreciated.)
4. I'm obsessed with movies. I have to watch at least 3 a week, but I can't just sit and watch them, I have to be doing something like cooking, cleaning, blogging. You get the picture.
5. I got this email from my sister, Lindee, this morning after I told her I might want to go back for my master's degree:
"Why don't you have a freaken kid retard."
She loves me.
6. I've cried on my birthday every year since I turned 12.
7. I first smoked a cigarette when I was 25 and didn't like it. I probably wasn't doing it right. I never do anything right.
I pass this on to:
1. Lindee (Yes, even though she called me a retard)
2. Living the Life with the Wife of Riley
3. Tranquility... and Turmoil
4. Perpetual Burn
5. Running Away? I'll Help You Pack
6. Tara from TMI
7. Jen at Burried With Children
8. Steph at Auburn Soul Photography
9. Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock At A Time...
10. Finding Fairy Tales
My Comments Rock Award

I received this award from Alexis at Running Away? I'll Help You Pack. Thanks Alexis!
I love these blogger's comments:
1. Chief at (Hiding From The Kids)
2. jennster :o)
3. Let's Have a Cocktail
4. Fran at Mayhem and Moxie
5. Nana's Kitchen
6. Nine Peas In A Pod
7. Our Simple Life
8. The Jason Show
9. Stacy's Random Thoughts
10. Stupid is as Sister Does
I Give Good Blog Award

I received this award from Jenny Mac from Let's Have a Cocktail, thanks Jenny Mac!
Rules: Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog.
1. A Nut in a Nutshell
2. Bethany at Nobody Listens To The Girl
3. Stacy's Random Thoughts
4. Stupid Is As Sister Does
Dragon's Loyalty Award

I received this award from Alexis at Running Away? I'll Help You Pack. Thanks Alexis!
Rules: Pass this award on to those dedicated followers of yours who always leave you a comment:
1. Knit By God's Hand
2. Savvy Suzi
3. Our Simple Life
4. Yaya Stuff
5. Stacy's Random Thoughts
6. A Nut in a Nutshell
7. Pulsipher Predilections
8. Queenie Jeannie
9. Stupid Is As Sister Does
10. Wizard of Ortin
The Best Blog Award

Another one I received from Alexis at Running Away? I'll Help You Pack.
1) To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I pass this award on to:
1. Brian Miller
2. Robyn at Our Homeschool Home
3. That Gal Kiki at I'm Here
4. AmyLK from Amy's Awesome Nest
5. Oh My Goddess
6. Kim at ooh! piece of candy!
7. The Green Scene
8. Wizard of Ortin
9. Frau
10. Sane without drugs (Hello? Where did you go?)
11. The Two Twins
12. Sara at Handy Hooker
13. Heather at When Heather Met Blog
14. Momma @ Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out
15. Just A Mom (Call me JAM for short)
You're A Superstar Blogger Award:

I received this award from Paging Dr. Mommy, thanks
I pass this award on to:
1. Debbie at Suburb Sanity
2. Surviving Life Daily
3. Queenie Jeannie
4. Aunt of 14
5. Shandal at My Life In 3D
6. Chicago Lady
7. Lady Styx
Kreativ Blogger Award

I received this award from Steph In the City, thanks Steph!
I pass this award on to:
1. Smile! Its Becky!
2. Live. Laugh. Love.
3. INfertile Myrtle
4. Frogs in my formula
5. Adrian's Crazy Life
6. Optimistic Cynicism
7. The Bookkitten
I don't know about you but I'm exhausted after all that, I'm not even going to tell you how long it took me to choose the right blogs for the right awards. You better be appreciatin.
Oh and if I didn't give your blog an award it means I hate you.
And your mom.
(You know I'm kidding right?)
Yay! You don't hate me! You can totally hate my mom, though.
Now I know where all the awards are. Wowza, you are one popular girl!
That was one hellova awards post my dear!!! Congrats on all of them, you totally deserve every single one! Thanks for passing one on to me! :)
WOW! This is a TON of work that you have done!
THANK YOU for the award, missy!
PS: I need to take the time to pass this on.
Congrats to YOU and to all bloggers. *clink* I'm drinking a glass of wine with you.
OH MY FRICKIN GAWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! You love me! You really love me!
{I love you too}
I was going to delete you from my Google Reader if you didn't give me an award! Kidding! Kidding! But seriously, thank you! You just made my day. This is my blog's first award. awww!
thanks for the, you really wracked up the awards! i see a lot of friends on the list so i know i am in good company.
Thanks for the LOVE! Wow, what a whirl wind of awards. Obviously someone loves you too and it isn't just Albert. I almost got tired reading through all the awesome awards you received.
I am a superstar?!!! *wiggles* Thank you Pooba!!!
BTW, your muffin top makes you happy? You're an odd cookie, indeed.
Thanks for the award!! Wow, what a post. You're right you put a lot of thought and work into that!! You are a popular lady!! I agree with your sister. It's baby time!!
Word wolf.
Thank you for considering my blog, now that I've come back to the blogging world.
Awwww, thank you for thinking of me.
You have made me a very happy goat!
Oh Pooba, you can just call that dragon award the faithful dog award. Seriously. Woof. Bow wow..but not in a "I want your cherry" kind of way. :)
Now I am laughing at my self. I guess that is good. Or troubling.
I heard that there were like 1.8 million blogs or some large number, an yet you managed to link them all! LOL!
Blood is not blue in veins?? I was taught that.
Thanks for my awards! :)
Oh crap. There goes my theory that I'm a Blue Blood. ;)
Look at you rockin' all those awards! And holy cow woman! You totally made my day with bestowing some on me, too! I guess that means you want me to do some work, eh? ;)
Oh, and by way of donations, do you think Albert would be willing to accept wine in lieu of cash for payment for stories of him? ;)
Awesome thank you for the award, it is my first one EVER!!
By the way, I also thought blood was blue inside and then once the air hit it then it turned red...I may be guilty of believing that still...
ahh this makes me know that i need to get back to my blog...congrats on all the awards!! :)
Congrats on all the awards!!! I'd be tired too with all the bowing and princess waves. *whew*
Thank you for the award!
Whew... I'm just glad you dont hate me (or my mom!) ... thanks buddy!!!
That post had to take A LOT OF WORK with all those links! That was some SERIOUS BID'NESS!!!
Congrats on all your awards and thanks!
My word! Who knew there were so many blog awards! Thanks for mine. Glad you don't hate me. Although if you want to hate my mom I'm fine with that.
I guess I'm also mean.
I get it from HER!
Oh, I crack myself up.
And I probably need to pray for myself.
Awwww! You think I'm sweet!! :) Thanks!
Congrats on all of your awards! Good grief!
That was some bid'ness, indeed! And, my acceptance speech in the words of Kathy Griffin:
"Suck it Jesus, this award is my God now." HA. Okay, didn't real mean it or to offend, seriously - thank you very much! I am one of the cool kids, score.
And yes! I would love a dog in the session. I've always wanted to do a session with pets. Can't wait.
OMG, I made the cut 3 times! Woot woot!!!!
Okay, definitely want the juicy news on Albert.
You like your muffin top? But wait, you don't have a muffin top. A muff maybe, but not a muffin.
Wait. I know I learned somewhere that our blood actually is blue until it gets oxygen. But wait, we have oxygen IN our blood. Aw fuck, now I've gotta Google this shit. Thanks.
Justine :o 0
Dang, does this mean you hate me?
Congrats on your awards!
WOW! that's an impressive amount of awards! You need to put a faux mantel in your blog header where you can show them all off!!!
Thanks for spreading the love too, I'm honored :)
Come on Al you really going to make my girl pay! Ok that day you put it up well form a wall around the blog so he can't look and see it ... LOL
Check you out girlie, love all the awards. Made me think I have a bunch I need to post too. Man ok tomorrow :)
Mom not leading you straight come on 28 days ... LOL The lessons taught by birth control :)
First, my Mom is badass so therefore, perfect for your list.
And do you need me to send you a dollar to cover Alex's extortion? How much is he charging you?
Thank you so much for the award. And listing me amongst so many great bloggers. I see so many friends and some great new options to visit. I am bookmarking this.
Holy cow! I am exhausted now. I'm so glad I made the cut on this one! I'm very glad that you like my comments. Not everyone would!
I love you, too.
Thankeee, my dear bloggy chum! SQUEEEEE!!!!
I'm glad you appreciate your muffin top...I need to stop worrying about mine and just start embracing it.
Woot! I KNEW we were buds and just had to be the best of pals over the colonoscopy - a girl after my heart!
I know this had to take you a TON of time. I'm appreciatin'!!! Tee-totally!
ummm, I guess this is a good time to tell you I nominated your blog for an award... It's like a nerd inviting a popular girl to the party...
You can add it to your list at
I am so happy you love your Native Honey Bag. We will soon be selling them on Etsy for your friends that want one. Our kiosk is gone.
Thanks Pooba! I am glad I can amuse you. I am really surprised you know that many people.
WOW! Thats a lot of awards! Very cute blog, glad I came across it!
Goodness Gracious I am exhausted!!!
Thank you so much for the award, I know I haven't been around lately, and I am trying to fix that.
I will think about my factoids and post them tomorrow. COW. That's some serious bloggy award pile-up. I've been known to hoard too. :)
WELL deserved.
THANK you for passing one of the awards on to me!
Thank you lil Sis!! I appreciate all the bloggy love.
And frankly I'm with Lindee. For you two to NOT procreate seems like a sin. You're both so HOT!!!! LOL! I'm sure you guys have practiced enough by now to get it right....
Oh yeah! I'm cool! I made your list! Woot woot!
I would have died linking and trying to find all the right blogs for the right awards.
Well done, my friend.
And thanks for the award. I will cherish it and love it and kiss it!
Hugs and Mocha,
Stopping over from Mommy Matters because I had to see what the hate you and your mom comment was about!
Um, you mean our blood isn't really blue? What?
Congrats on all the awards! I'm following you now.
Whew! What a list! =) Congrats on all your awards and thanks for sharing with lil ole moi!!
jesus. the fact that you did all of this.. and made all these links for all these awards tells me that someone has WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS!!!!!! or.. you hate your family and would rather search and post links to blogs than spend time with them.
probably the 2nd one huh?
that's my way of saying thanks. clearly.
Dude... thats a crapload of crap!
thanks for passing it along to me!
ex oh ex oh
You rock on with your bad self and your awards!
And thank you for passing one onto me.
Awwwww...I am DIGGIN' it!! Now, if ONLY I had enough friends and followers to pass along the momento...guess I need to step up my blogginess to be more like you!!
I wish I could tell you how much you and your blog mean to me! (think favorite cuz it's true...seriously, I promise, I tell people all the time)
I love you with all my heart in a non-gay way. :)
Thank you!!!!
Thanks Kel- I'll get right on that!
Yay!!! My first blogger award...I'm so honored to recieve from thy Grand Pooba!!!
you are one popular girl!
Work from home India
I apologize for the delay making it over here. It has been quite a week!!
Thank you again for thinking of me for the award. I really appreciate it!
Sorry to be so brief but it's nearly 2 am here and I am in view of the finish line so that I can get some sleep soon! :)
Thanks for the blog love.
Lookit all those winners...congrats!
.oO(hey wait....Im in there too? How'd I manage that? I've been so neglectful of my bloggy duties!)
I'd like to thank the Academy....and my hubby who forever laffz @ me when I utter the words "Oh I so have to blog this" or "You KNOW that's going in the blog, right?" and I'd like to thank..... *faints*
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