I donated all my clothes to the homeless.
I've never prided myself in my fashion sense, in fact I consider myself quite the opposite of fashion savvy so get out your cameras this is going to be a sight to see.
Me and the homeless go way back so I'm sure I'll run into someone wearing my outfit asking me for change and I'll have to apologize to them right away.
"I. AM. SO. SORRY. The fashion God's totally gypped me when bestowing their blessings, I know not what I do. But at least you're warm right?"
So this is my official apology and warning to all the people, dogs, and cats of Salt Lake City. You have been warned.
It was a big weekend for me. It was about time that I downsized our closets, they were bustin at the seams, sportin a muffin top and everything. I was so stoked to organize all of our clothes, a threw out any pack rat essence left in me and totally purged the closets.

Total Weight loss? 200,450.25 pounds. (Or somewhere close to that)
This is just the first stage in project closet organization. My goal was to get rid of all my old shit (because that's exactly what it was) that I don't wear anymore, get dividers for my dresser drawers, and rid my life of wire hangers.

(I am so in love with my new hangers)
A place for everything and everything in it's place.
I had to physically restrain myself from making a list of every single item we owned and categorizing and cross referencing them into files so that I would have documentation of every item we sent to the homeless shelter, every item we sent to the D.I., and every item we kept.
It was rough.
I did however categorized the bags so that I knew which ones went where.

Dozer was more than skeptical.

Ok, now for the before and after.
This is my closet before step one of Project Closet Organization. Remember step one is just focusing on the clothes so please ignore the junk on the shelves, those will come later.

Notice my cloth shelf barely hanging on for it's dear life? It fell to it's death a few seconds later. It is now resting peacefully in the landfill.
Okay, so here is the after photo:

I love my hangers.

Joan Crawford eat your heart out.

See what a big difference such a little change can make? All I did was get rid of some clothes, moved all my summer clothes to our storage closet and changed hangers.
Did I tell you I love my new hangers?
Oh man, if I wasn't married...*starting to day dream about marrying my hangers*....Well, now that I think of it, if Utah won't even let my gays get married, I doubt they'd allow me to marry my hangers, and I'm pretty sure polyandry is illegal anyway.
Wow. Am I seriously talking about marrying my hangers?
Ok moving on...
Now for Albert's closet. Sorry I didn't get a before picture of Al's closet, but it was CA-RAMMED!
But not anymore!

If you're not salivating right now, there is something seriously wrong with you.
Now as much as I WANTED to take a picture of my underwear drawer and post it on the internet, I thought maybe, just maybe, that wouldn't be the brightest of ideas so I'll just show you an example of what it looks like:

*applause* (Because I know you're all applauding right now)
*taking a bow while the crowd goes wild*
"I'd like to thank my mentor, Karin Katherine, for inspiration and resources, I'd like to thank my husband for letting me empty our wallets on "just silly" hangers, I'd like to thank Real Simple for their brilliant closet organization products, and last but not least I'd like to thank Gin & Tonic for the lovely celebration party."
I'm impressed! And I love Real Simple!
Way to go girl! Looks great.
I go through my closet every season and donate to D.I. I need to do it again!
Good for you!
GOOD JOB! It looks great and that is a shit load of clothes you are getting rid of!
I actually organized my babies closet yesterday and started on mine. It feels so good!!! So I am doing a closet post today as well ha ha
You should tour the country cleaning people's closets. You could be the Supernanny for closets that have been bad! Wish I had even a "smidge" of your organization abilities. For me, if it's in the closet on the shelf it's organized. I don't even bother cause I know my husband will just dis-organize it the next morning when getting dressed.
I can not wait until I reach the purge stage of my house preparedness! It's so freeing!
It's a beautiful, beautiful thing you've done over there! :)
I'm so happy you posted this. I am not the only one who get's giddy over closet orginization. LOVE the hangers. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
those are some serious organizational skills. You go girl!
I love, love, love to organize. It feels SO good when it's all put together so nicely. Louisiana weather makes it a little more difficult to organize though... you think it's "summer" and then it goes to "summer lite" and then it's back to "summer" so you don't REALLY know when to move the "winter" cloths out, because we dont' really HAVE winter... Lol. LOVE the new hangers!!
OH I am so having closet envy right now... My closet could look like that if everyone didn't think my closet was bigger then theirs so could hold all their excess junk
Well done, when are you free to come take care of mine?
I'm so jealous, I could spit!
How did you buy that many hangers? Do they come in bulk or something?
I now have to go home & look at the mess that I call my closet... & I will cry...
I envy the sanity of your closets. Mine are completely and totally certifiably insane......
Maybe you will inspire me to clean out my closets.
Omg you are a girl after my own obsession!! I love organizing my closet. I have to say so jealous of your hangers ....where did you get them?
When you mentioned wire hangers I totally thought of Mommy Dearest!
And Holy trash bags Batman! How many bags of clothes did you get rid of? Way to go though!
wow. majorly impressed. i have an issue with clothes hangers. we dont get along...
There are moments like this one when I wish I could just pick up the phone and catch up with you. It would make me life so much easier...and in the end, it really is just about me.
Here are all the thoughts inside my head right now, Poob. Get ready:
1) You absolutely must join in on the pregnancy pact. It would make being neighbors so much more fun if we could nanny share. Just think of the possibilities.
2) I read Sara's story a moment ago and seriously am crying a boatload of tears. Oh my goodness! How does one survive such a thing? Thank you for passing that along, though. It is a good reminder, in many different ways, for all of us.
3) Thank you, thank you, thank you for the blog award. I am honored that you remembered me. As you know, our bloggy friendship means the world to me!!!
4) Sorry I have been out of touch. I entered a social media marketing contest and have been occupied with it over the past two weeks. The good news is that everything is over now and I am very much over social media and marketing. I should have listened to this girl I know who once told me that she isn't interested in pursuing businesses and media groups as part of her blog.
She's pretty smart! :)
I had to laugh when I read this post.I have the same hangers and love, love them too!!! I love that nothing slips off them because of that great velvety coating, I love how skinny they are, and I could go on and on! haha.
I am actually drooling over those drawer dividers..... would love to get them. Can a girl ask you to share the wealth..... where did you get them?! :)
I got all my closet goods at Bed Bath & Beyond, both the drawer organizers and the hangers are made by Real Simple.
Love love love them!
Woo Hoo! Can you hear me cheering for you from Florida?! I'm screaming my head off! I am so darn stinkin' proud of you.
Woo Hoo!
And don't think I didn't notice the calligraphy script on your file folders...ahem.
Cannot wait to see more! Okay, maybe I will post more organizational inspiration on my blog---just for you! I'm going to try vlogging too. Maybe. If you come here and video tape me.
Oooh. Nothing I love more than an organized closet.
Great job! The hangers rock.
Why don't you just ship all those bags my way? Looked like some really cute stuff. I could use some new shoes too.
I'm all about hand-me-downs!!
Yay for organization! I have the same hangers and I often think about marrying them...............
Do you make house calls? Puhleeze??
I really do believe that my husband needs to see your "throw out" shoe baskets...he thinks I have too many shoes...He hasn't met you yet..!! I throw out maybe 5 pair a year....!! BASKET after BASKET full...?? I...need....more....shoes....now...
I love your classy hangers Pooba! I also love how you describe your fashion taste for clothing too...(I'm a fashion model for D.I. and young men's hoodies).
*Thanks for the fun pictures and good laughs. I had to speak tonight in Relief Society-and I looked down and noticed a few stains on my t-shirt, so I zipped my hoodie up:) I kept wondering why my mom didn't point this "faux-pah" out to me before I got up there!! I told the crowd that I'd much rather decorate then shop for shirts and shoes-or hangers.
So... um... wanna come do MY closets?
You can marry my hangers if you want. :)
Real Simple? I'm totally going to have to check them out.
I threw my arms up and purged my house of junk last year. I feel so much lighter now.
Where is my gin and tonic to celebrate? *looks around* oh wait it's only 8:20 in the morning.
Don't judge me.
I wanna marry your hangers, too! Love them! Great job on the purge.
No one likes an over achiever (-:
Look at you being an inspiration! Do you hire yourself out to purge and organize other people's closets and drawers? I could use some serious, professional help. I have wine! ;)
I just fell in love with your closet...please ask it if it likes me...circle one: yes or no....
no you di - int organize your underwear drawer !!
i am lovin those hangers and i am skurred shitless of that mommy dearest...
when she cut her hair.. oh.. i was so shattered as a child.. i was so sad for that little girl
that pic of the men's shirts... the close up
is awesome.
Why the HELL did you even HAVE all those wire hangers? Did Mommy Dearest teach you NOTHING?
And holy crap, you donated a LOT. I hope some of the homeless women won't mind having to walk around on 4" heels.
But yeah, I love your new hangers too. Looks like you went into a department store and stole them blind.
Strudel sends a big sloppy lick to Dozer.
Justine :o )
Wow - I love those hangers too. Nice and uniform. It is wonderful you were able to donate so much stuff.
And now you can claim it on your taxes...if the IRS comes to audit, just show them this blog for proof!
wow- come to my house and bring your hangers!
So very very jealous!
There is nothing seriously wrong with me. My mouth is very appropriately lubricated.
Wow! You are brave!!! I have stuff i just can't get rid of, no matter how long I haven't worn it- you know, I might need it...sometime...like, when my kid has an 'oldies' day at school or something.
The after pics look great! And so relaxing- you know, how having things organized just make you feel less stressed. Good on you.
Ohhh I'm fighting you to marry those hangers! Move over Rick this actually would help me in my daily life!
Ok that undie organizer rocks! I would get that for the boys room! That drawer always has something fun jumping out at me ... lol
Right on my dear!
I am SO proud of you. Your closet looks awesome and I'm sure it feels wonderful to have decluttered so much stuff. Great job! Now, can you come and do mine too???
I love Real Simple too!
I'm gonna live in this post for the next few hours, feels soooo nice and organized... mmm. The second I have to go back to my insanity of a house I'mma be pissed. You are nuts girl! love it.
Wow, your closets look great! I love to purge!
Why didn't you show me the closet when I was there? And I just realized you never brought out your hangers? You were so excited to show me but its ok.
Those closets look LOVELY! Congrats on the new hangers
WOW! Look at you and those closets!! Awesome job! Wanna come do mine now?
That's so frickin' awesome!!!! Jealous and proud!
Wow, at first I thought you got rid of all your clothes, and were starting your own nudist colony. Imagine the perkiness in the Utah winters! Glad you kept some of your clothes, and the organized closet looks really nice.
Come do mine! If my husband saw what you have done, he'd expect more from me and my sorry mess!
Come do mine! If my husband saw what you have done, he'd expect more from me and my sorry mess!
Looks great! I absolutely forbid wire hangers in our closets. The ones we have are the plastic tube ones and whatever "batt" type hangers the jeans are hooked to when I buy them (the jeans, not the hangers). Not real pretty but at least they're not wires!
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