Someone's engaged!!!!

Well kinda. She has a ring but no official proposal....
After two years, she'll take what she can get.
So the mom came and visited me last night on her way home from the boyfriend's house. She finally has an engagement ring! Although they are not officially engaged since he hasn't proposed yet and they don't have an official date, but hey, a ring is a pretty good sign that they're actually going to do it don't ya think?
So I had my mom show off her ring but she was more interested in showing off her boobs.

Mom, seriously, nobody cares about your double D's! Sheesh.
Now Mom's gonna kill me but I just have to post about it. The other week I get a call from my mom. Her and Bob had been debating for a while about this engagement ring. What were they debating over? Well, when I answered the phone, this is what my mom asked.
"So, um, when you are engaged, do you wear the ring on your right hand or your left?"
Seriously mom? Maybe it's a good thing you have those double D's after all.


Forget engagement... the ring looks like it has a wedding BAND on it already... Oh, I hope they didnt go elope.. I want her to have a wedding where she has you & your sisters dressed in some bubble gum pink, ruffled, lace concoction!!!! That would be the best E-V-ER!!!! :)
Congrats to your mom... I guess.. maybe? ;)
I definitely think a ring signifies an engagement!
How exciting. Engagement or not diamonds are always fun to receive.
I always try to eat the publicist's which is why she does not wear it in the goat pen.
Aww congrats to your mom.. the ring is beautiful
Congrats to the happy couple!
Woohoo!! Congrats to your mom and Bob!! Let us know when it's OFFICIAL. LOL
Congrats (maybe...I think...) to your mom! Pretty ring!
I must admit I'm a little sad, but only for selfish reasons! We don't want new neighbors moving in!!!! But I'm happy for her :)
CONGRATS to your mom! Take it from me, the ring sans the 'official' proposal still signifies commitment and engagement. When my hubby gave me my ring, he got me a ring setting with no stone. The stone came a couple of years later (during which time he always referred to me as his fiance), and when he surprised me with the final ring, I had to ask him if there happened to be a question that goes along with the ring. ;)
Bob did a great job picking out the ring! And your sister takes after your mom, doesn't she? ;)
That's so wonderful!!! And heck, if the proposal never came, she's already got him for the ring! But seriously, too sweet, and he seems like a nice guy from seeing him throughout your posts over time.
Yay for mom! Congratulations.
Why your family does not throw you off a cliff sometimes is beyond me. LOL. Seriously Pooba, I am laughing at this post and your poor mom. She loves you dearly or she'd have left you for the wolves on this one.
CONGRATS to YOUR MOMMY and her nice new RING!
Congrats Mom!!
Major congrats to your mom!!! And now I know where you and your sisters get your gorgeous blonde locks!!!
woohoo. congrats mom!
Is that all one ring or did she have another ring before and she put this one on too?
How in the world do you get a ring and not a proposal?
Does the guy go, "Here is a diamond ring. Where it on whatever hand you wish and I'll go along with it."
Just curious...but congrats...I think.
As if mom really needed an excuse to make another day about her too.
I think she should wear her rings on her nipples. That way she could show off all things at once.
Sorry about the MIA. I am repenting and trying to get back with it. (whatever) No really. I can't bake cookies this week as I have totally been blowing my diet. It will have to be later in the month. Sorry. Loves and Kisses.
Congrats to your Mom.
Holy crap she looks young!!
Hehe a ring is so much better than an engagement and big boobs to boot ... lol
Awesome congrats to her!
oh That is so awesome!! Is she staying in the Layton house or moving in to the boyfriends house?? that would be weird to drive by your house and think that your mom doesn't live there!!
I've been reading your blog for about 2 hours now and absolutely love it! You crack me up!
I'm so happy for your Mom!! Love and happiness rocks!
Congrats! ummm I guess, maybe?
*goes to the confoozed couch*
I swear, Poo, when I first saw the picture I thought it was Lyndee with a haircut!!! That's how young your mom looks! The ring is beautiful, but hell, if I had tits that looked that good I'd be squeezing them into the picture too!
Justine :o )
I saw the first pic and thought it was you! You can definitely see the resemblance!
Congrats to them!
how cute.
beautiful rings.
congrates ~
that is so cute - congrats to your mum - you guys all look so similar!
Yay BOUT time! Tell her congrats (not sorta, for real) did she really forget which hand?
Good for her!!! Her road has not been easy!
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