My favorite.
So I chose the appropriate apron for the occasion and got to cookin.

Like always, I had to chase the animals out of the kitchen, because as you know, Dozer has to be at my feet AT. ALL. TIMES.

While the lasagna was in the oven, I made myself a little appetizer to appease my impatient tummy.

After looking at my primitive aperitif, I had a revelation.
"Look Al, I'm just like Jesus!"
The part you left out here is what Al's quick, snappy, and no doubt smart aleck response was!
Yes, I'd like to hear Al's response to that too!! In all the ways I've heard people liken themselves to Jesus...I have to say this is the first one dressed in a too CUTE apron chasing animals out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon!
I specifically remember in 3rd Revelations where Jesus wears his cutest apron.
You are too funny. Love the apron.
aww Jesus would be proud
And then you parted the waves in the sink and you were just like Moses!
I love the apron, but really I just wanted to tell you how much I hate you b/c you have such awesome and perfect hair. Mine sucks!
You're seriously like SuperWoman girl! Alex is a lucky guy! I don't know how you find time to make lasagna at the end of your work day. I have a hard time finding time to make it and I don't go to work.
Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your dog. If I wasn't so afraid of the, eh hem, **stuff** that comes out of such a big dog I'd probably have about 10 of them :o)
LOL...except that's garlic bread, isn't it??? I guess if he'd really wanted, Jesus could have put garlic and butter on his bread...he turned water to wine, after all.
Ummmm, I agree w/ Stephanie. Garlic Bread?
Jesus was a smart man.
Love the Apron!
I totally just busted out laughing!
And Jesus probably had a dog & cat laying at his feet too.. you just couldnt see it under his robe! ;)
Yes, just like Jesus.
give me the wine and bread and I will be a happy girl! Love the apron!
Of course it's not garlic bread people. In fact, I'm pretty sure the bread I was eating was unleavened.
Ya, when I think of Jesus I think of you and how much your just like him!
lol. always down for a little communion appetizer.
Hmmm, where are your apostles?
We had lasagna last night too. We also had multiple cats pleading for lasagna and insisting they have Never been fed EVER and WE ARE MEAN and GIVE THEM CHEESE.
Too cute....I won't know what's cuter the apron or the wine...I'll go with the!
And he said...
By the way I love the wine glass!
haha! Love it!
Love your apron.
And what a coincidence, my daughter is always at my feet when I'm cooking.
But did the wine come from water? ;)
Awesome apron, by the way. :)
Yes. You are. Just like Jesus.
Except, I'm pretty sure he drank grape juice.
Kindof kel, almost Kinda like
Your dog is such a cutie.
now Im gonna have that song in my head all day
Girl you always crack me up! Hey wait at church my bread and wine never looks like that? :)
Love the apron you're too freaking cute!
For some reason, it looks like you're threatening to whack the cat with the spoon.
I threaten my cat with knives. Way more effective.
AHAHAHAHA! I love it! Did Jesus have butter on his bread, though? ;) And the impression I got of the first picture was that you were going to cook up your cat... :)
LMAO! Jesus had an apron? and broke garlic bread? I want you to coordinate communion at my church! Garlic bread and very dark red wine!
::::::Slap:::::::: You're such an idiot! ROFLMAO! It's so very sanitary to have a cat on the counter in the kitchen, and then... take a picture of it. And I love me some Dozer, even though I can see his penis. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
Did you actually make lasagna, or just put some frozen shit in the oven?
Justine :o )
Yeah me too...I wanna hear what Big Al had to say about that!!
Love your apron!
Exactly. Like. Jesus. :)!
What DID Al have to say?
That's an awesome apron! Snappy!
u look so hot!
Sure, I always think of Him in an apron.
I am glad that Jesus only had bread and wine. Imagine how messy church would be if people had toe eat lasagna every Sunday morning!!
You are so funny : )
My dear pooba :) I know you have a lot of lovers and was hoping you could send the word out about my dear friend that is trying to keep her son alive. He drown last week. Here is the story if you want to pass it along. Thanks.
Jesus was a great cook. I've heard his fish described as nothing short of miraculous.
Another way to get your comparison to Jesus, is if you were to grow a beard. I'm just sayin'...
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