So the following is a list of things that I am NOT thankful for:
Fake yawns to end a conversation.

People who flush swiffer pads down the toilet.

Those damn seals on new CD cases that are impossible to remove in one peice.

When someone holds the door open for you when you are like 10 feet away so you feel like you have to run so they can let go of the door.

Short bathroom stalls (Hello North Layton Jr High?!)

People who steal my friend's ipod from his car when it's parked in my driveway.
Bumper stickers that are too small to read.

The snow.
My rear wheel drive car.
My rear wheel drive car in the snow.

Couples who share an email address or facebook page.

Loud breathers.
Dentists who ask you questions while their hands are in your mouth.

The fact that healthy food is always more expensive than junk food.
My legs.
Short tables.
My legs that don't fit under short tables.

Finding other people's pube hairs. Anywhere.

Creepy 50 year old men hitting on you.

Creepy 50 year old neighbors hitting on you.
Mom's who give their kids a mullet when they are too young to know any better.

What are YOU not thankful for?