Oh to be young again!
I LOVE trick or treating, why is it only for kids? I need to get me one of those so I can live vicariously through him (or her)! If only I wasn't 5'10" I could throw a sheet over my head and pretend I was in grade school again, it sucks being a tree. So I LOVE Halloween but there is one huge problem with Halloween these days.
Trunk or treating has murdered Halloween! I am so against trunk or treating, you might as well just give your kids a bag of candy and call it good! For those of you who live in NORMAL neighborhoods and don't know what trunk or treating is, let me explain.
Parents. It's all their fault. They get a huge group of families together in a parking lot and arrange their cars in a circle with their trunks facing the center. They open their trunks and fill them with candy so the kids can just walk in a circle from trunk to trunk and say trick or treat. Not house to house, trunk to fricken trunk.

Come on people, what's the fun in that?
Now I don't get any trick or treaters on Halloween because they've already been trunk or treating! Okay, I get maybe 5 trick or treaters the whole night and I'm not exaggerating. Come on, I want to see these cute little kids in their cute little costumes coming to my door and begging for my candy!
When I was younger, we'd have our route planned out and we were so determined to come home with the most candy so that we could dump it out on the living room floor and start bartering with each other.
"I'll give you this sucker for your Reeses, No? Fine 2 suckers for your Reeses and I'll throw in a Tootsie Roll just because I'm a nice guy."
This is what Halloween is all about, the streets should be filled with ghosts and Harry Potters and Hanna Montanas and Jokers and Buz Lightyears and ballerinas and dead brides! (I know, Hanna Montana?)
So I'm sorry to be such a downer on Halloween, but this has got to stop. Who's with me?