This is Mona.

Pretty hot right?

Mona and I took part in a blog tour hosted by:
Better in BulkMama's Losin' ItMayhem and MoxieScary Mommy&
7 Clown CircusWhen she showed up at my doorstep I was blinded by the sun bouncing off her metallic cuffs wrapped around her tiny, yet oh so strong wrists. I was a little hesitant and skeptical about her visit, but after I saw that she was wearing nothing but this primary colored fantastical starry leotard that I knew we would be best friends forever.
And ever.
This was her first trip to Utah so I felt compelled to show her around, first stop of course was my house. I had been anticipating her visit and hoped she would get along with my furry children. She and Dozer had a rough start,

But after Mona explained that she was in fact not a dog toy and did not show up just for his entertainment and ultimate snack, Dozer began to realize that Mona was special. Very special indeed.

To show that he had no hard feelings, he treated her to a massage. Technically the massage chair treated her, but whatev.

As I contemplated where to start her tour of Utah, I thought to myself, when one thinks of Utah, what’s the first thing that pops into their mind?
Mona heard that the men in Utah all had at least 12 wives and 52 children, so what better place for us to start our tour than at Brigham Young’s old house? This is where he and his million wives and billion children lived, now called The Beehive House.

Moving along, she got acquainted with Joseph Smith and his first wife.

I showed her the Lion House where many wedding luncheons are held.

And I showed her probably the most famous building in Utah, The Salt Lake City Temple.

At any given time you can usually catch a bride and groom exiting the temple after getting married, as we did here.

Mona couldn’t believe the absolutely beautiful architecture of the temple and the fine details surrounding the whole building.

We visited the old conference building where the famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir practices.

I showed her the pioneers and told her of the heroic stories of them traveling by handcart across the United States to Utah.

Upon exiting Temple Square we came across the usual transits begging for money. This chick
apparently is pregnant and
apparently is homeless and
apparently has no money. But her hair was purple. I didn’t understand how she could dye her hair when she didn’t have any money in the first place.

But I gave her a dollar anyway.
We then ran into these two riff raffs that were actually performing for cash, I won’t tell you how much cash it took to get them to take a picture with Mona, I’ll just say Mona was feeling very generous that day.

Moving on we went to my personal favorite coffee shop in the state, Beans and Brews. We shared a Pumpkin Spice latte while discussing the economy and some smart shit like that.

And what goes better with coffee than donuts? The best donuts in Utah can be found in downtown SLC at Banbury Cross Donuts. My dad and I alone could keep these guys in business; luckily the rest of Utah agrees that these donuts simply rock!

I showed Mona where I went to School, The University of Utah. Which is also where the opening ceremony for the 2002 winter Olympics was held. Yep, take that Canada!

Just like our license plates claim, we really do have the best snow on earth. I mean check out the mountains?

Later on that evening I treated Mona to the best pizza in Utah, Sweet Home Chicago. (Yes I am aware that the pizza doesn’t really represent Utah at all, but still, it’s in Utah right?)

It was here that she witnessed the utter destruction that happens every time I eat at this place.

I thought it best to call it a night after that!
Next stop on our tour was the desert.

Otherwise known as St. George Utah, where people are known to melt into the pavement from the heat. We visited our condo and Mona enjoyed the sun.

She also found a new friend in Logan who was happy to show her around.

Later that evening Mona was able to go to a play at the Tuacahn Theatre! She couldn’t believe how beautiful the outdoor theatre was with nature’s red rock as it's back drop.

She had a great time.

The last day of her stay in Utah we spent at the State Fair! And well, you know what goes on at a state fair.

So I think I wore Mona out because she slept for 5 hours after the fair, but she loved it, I could tell by the smile on her face!
Now go check out where she headed next!