Seriously. You are all fricken awesome. If I could, I would buy you all this frickin awesome shirt:

Now I didn't post about my divorce for a long time because, well, I don't really know exactly who is reading this blog. That boy I kissed in kindergarten may be reading, or that girl who I cut her hair, dunked her head in the toilet and then taped her to the flag pole with her underwear over her head could be reading. (Not a true story, I didn't cut her hair, that's just MEAN.)
When I first started blogging, I thought it was crazy how honest people were and how much information they revealed about themselves! Hell, I'm a blog stalker, I know you can find anybody who has a public blog.
(Yep, I'm stalking YOU!)
But seriously, with a public blog you never know who's reading. But now,I've known that and have accepted that fact and I no longer care. Blogging is fun and I've met so many amazing people (you) and have reconnected with so many amazing people (you) so I am comfortable with anybody reading. The more people that know how stupid and clutzy I am, the better.
The world has been warned.
Of course there are a lot of things that I don't post about, things that affect other people who I know do not want the world knowing about, and DEFINITELY nothing about my job, so this isn't a tell-all blog.
Which brings me to a question for you.
Is your blog a tell-all? How do you feel about the fact that ANYBODY could be reading your private thoughts? Have you ever been dooced?
(Yep, I did just blog about blogging, it was time)
My blog is pretty much a tell all. Its my place to vent, cry, be happy and share it all with the world. I refuse to be afraid to put anything out there that concerns me. I do try to protect the identities of others I talk about.
Like you, I have found such support and love from my readers. Its addicting! :)
My blog, obviously, isn't really personal. And my coworkers and supervisor reads my blog sometimes, so I just don't air dirty laundry on it. And I'm OK with that.
Yuppers, my blog is a tell-all! Like Amy said, it's a place to vent. I think it's fun and a way to organize all my thoughts. I won't talk bad about anyone close to me so it doesn't matter to me who reads it. It must not be that interesting to others as I only have 4 followers. LOL. But I blog for me, And Love it.
I always try to be real on my blog, but I don't always think it's necessary to "air dirty laundry". KWIM? (I don't think your post was "dirty laundry", BTW, just you being real. After all, you couldn't go on forever just not telling us, right?? LOL)
Sometimes, I wish I could screen my blog readership b/c there are things I'd really love to write about, but don't, because I know who's reading.
My blog is pretty open to a point, but I wouldn't consider it a "tell-all" per se. I don't vent about frustrations with my job or husband or family on there - in fact, my boss doesn't even know my blog address - but I am emotional from time to time and like being able to do that when I want to. The community of bloggers is incredibly supportive and can be really helpful when you need advice - or even just a sounding board.
I FREAKIN' want that shirt! :) that rocks!!!
For me - my parents are my blog buffers. My dad will remind me things I probably shouldnt put out for the world...& like every child, half the time, I dont listen.
I figure if someone wants to take the time to read my blog - then they can know about me... because probably 99.1% of the people in this world dont know me or even know I have a blog! :)
Because I do have a public blog and because I do know that some of my friends have found my blog without me telling them about it and because I'm afraid what some people will think if they ever do come across my blog, there are some things / people that I just don't post about. Believe me, if I felt comfortable enough, there are plenty of things I could say about my sister. Haha! But she doesn't know I have a blog and I don't want any more tension if she ever did find it. {Just an example}. So, in some ways, it's a tell-all, but I'm guarded with what I DO tell.
LOVE that shirt! LOL
Pricilla puts her life all out there...
I keep a lot of mine private. It's probably due to my age.
Well, you know that I pretty much lay it ALL out there when it comes to myself! I used to be more cautious, but then I thought "what the hell". Maybe if more people wrote that they suffered with depression and had a helluva time finding the right meds, then it wouldn't be so "shameful" and we'd think of mental illness more like diabetes and other illnesses.
I try to use discretion when it comes to my three oldest children (all teenagers), my extended family, my ex-husbands (yep, two of 'em! You'll survive too. But big hugs cause divorce just flat out sucks.) and co-workers.
I do write about my 8 year olds autism and our on-going trials and tribulations with finding him the best treatment, schooling and help. Because I know there are lots of families out there dealing with this and there is still so little information.
I probably should have written "see my blog" and then posted this on mine instead of writing a novel in your comments.
Sorry 'bout that! :D
Well, you know I don't post everything considering I have that 'other' blog. ahem. It'd be nice if I could vent about my poor relationship with my mom and some other things but I just really can't do that. So mostly my blog is pretty censored since I know my family reads it.
i keep mine pretty open...the only thing i hold back on is names...i tend to change those or leave them ad he or she...
i just came through a nasty stalker incident made me think a bit...but if you let the wackos scare you they
Yeah, I know you were talking directly to me. You already know my blog is pretty well a tell-all!
Justine :o )
I am pretty open on my blog but I have recently started a new private blog because I don't want some people from my past reading and using what I say against me like they have done in the past. If I am really pissed though I will post it on the main one and hope that they read it lol.
okay, I just read your last post and my heart is aching for you! It will all work out in the end and I can totally picture you with three babies!
I missed your previous post about your divorce. My heart goes out to you, I can't imagine what you must be going through. I send you good thoughts and I hope that you heart can heal.
And as far as blogging, I am pretty much an open book. But that being said there are things that I will not post about. I don't know how I determin it but if I feel werid about a subject, I don't post.
Oh geez. I go on one little trip and I miss some really important stuff.
Divorce, no matter how amicable, is incredibly painful. I am sorry you have had to experience that pain. You seemed like the perfect couple...but you never really know what's going on with other couples, do you? I wanna give you a big old hug and tell you everything will be all right. Because it will. You know that, though. I'm so glad that you have a good support system.
Now, my blog probably seems like it is a big "tell all" but I often find that I must censor myself because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings, or I know that some of my readers are young (like my niece) or that some of my readers might not appreciate my graphic descriptions of, um, stuff. Also, I do get told from time to time that I am "not allowed to blog about this."
But my life, in general, is an open book. I blog about my students but in a very anonymous way. Those teacher stories are just too good to not share.
I have found that blogging is very good therapy.
You hang in there!
Hmmmm... cupcakes! You are ON! We can sit around, ODing on pink sugar and comparing drug side effects. Sounds like a perfect afternoon! I have a few past posts about my experiences with Wellbutrin (nearly killed me, not exaggerating) and Prozac, among others. A little light summer reading, perfect for lounging out by the pool with a fruity umbrella'd cocktail and Raybans.
I'm really looking forward to the cupcakes... and your company of course!
I pretty much blog about my feelings and opinions on most things, but I would not say that I go overboard with details. It's not like I am giving out my address, ss number and my phone number too. I think if you need to blog as a release about certain things, it's simply therapeutic, and I think you are fine!
I'm pretty open there are some parts that don't come up but most of the time it's all there! I feel a good release and some great feed back that helps too :).
HUGS "sis"!
so glad you're feeling a little bit better and lovin' the bloggy love kelly. my blog isn't a tell all, and it probably does cover the lighter side of my life, but coincidentally, my post is definitely a warts'n'all. lots of honesty and lots of sharing.
I won't talk about sex, politics, or religion (although I reserve the right to change my mind.)
I am more open on my blog than I would ever be in real life. That is weird, huh?
Heaven's no! Even though mine is private, my in-laws read it and they are more sophisticated on some subjects. So I have another one that I can write my nasty thoughts on and not hurt anyone's feelings. :)
Kelly, so sorry to hear about your divorce... it was good to see you at your mom's over the weekend. I wish the best for you and am praying for you and I know you will make an amazing mother someday, and that is a worthy goal to give you hope on the bad days.
Not quite a tell all. But pretty close. Blogged about a wedding recently, that if the bride read it, she may or may not egg my house. :O
There is a lot I don't share, that's probably why I don't post frequently. I would hate to air ALL my dirty laundry, besides I don't want to hurt others that may be involved in whatever story I may tell.
You do a great job Pooba, I find you very entertaining. You always bring a smile to my face and I love ya!
yep i'm a tell all blogger...ish.
somethings i keep to myself. i get creeped out at times as to WHO might read but then again, I can't keep it all inside soo meh.
Depends on what day or what mood I'm in as to whether or not my blog is a 'tell-all' - I do keep certain things out of my blog, just in case it references people that might be reading my blog. ;)
I have to go read the story. The boys are begging to go to the park right this second, but as soon as we get back I am all over it.
I am glad you blog. I like your blog a lot.
I'm stalking from SITS (you were above me) - and I agree - some people tell WAY TOO MUCH personal stuff. It's like they think they're sitting in their living room w/their best friend and can spill all when in truth, they are being cyber spied on by the world. I may tell about the foibles of my family but never hurtful and never super personal, ever!
Oh. I just read the divorce post. My heart broke for you. And you did a good job posting your feelings! How shortsighted of Alex. I NEVER wanted kids until I gave birth and whoa. Who knew? A lot of people feel that way until... 'cause you just have NO idea how amazing one is until you have one. Poor Alex.
I'm very careful to leave off work and dating. But if a guy does something really dumb I'll probably blog about it.
Girl, I just have to tell you how much I admire you for posting what is truly going on in your life. I'm still having a hard time getting there. It's so hard to know what to post and who's reading and who will be hurt and who will take those posts and twist and turn, and and many and's :-/
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