I open my email to find the following message:
Dear Pooba Editor,
I came across your blog while looking for people who have talked about pooping and wanted to reach out to see if you were interested in sharing a graphic my creative team and I designed.
If you're interested - I'd love to connect.
"Looking for people who talk about POOPING"
Do I really talk about poop that much? I thought I'd do a search for the word Poop on my blog to see if this guy was just talking out his ass.
I started listing these all so important pooping posts below but realized it is a never ending list. So I stopped at 14.

Am I really spending this much time linking up blog posts that talk about poop?
Yes. Yes I am.
Shit Happens Oct 20, 2010
When my apartment flooded with shit,
Aunt Kellah Must Have Extra Soft Carpet March 15, 2009
Logan poops on my carpet.

Nov 24 2008
All about cat poop
At Least I Never Turned Into The Old Cat Lady. I Could Never Afford That Kind Of Lifestyle Anyway. Nov 6, 2009
More complaining about cat poop.

Is It Over Yet? Please Tell Me it's Over Now Apr 11, 2011
Where I simply mention that I look like I'm pooping in the photo. (Does that even count?)

A Child Was Born, The World Rejoiced, And There Was Peace Throughout The Land July 15, 2009
Where I share an embarrassing story about a bird pooping on my head.

What's Worse Feb 9, 2009
Where I question what's worse, cleaning up dog poop or cleaning up after a kid?
Nursing Is Not Just For Mommies Sep 17, 2009
Where I reference Tori Spelling when a friend's baby girl experiences PUTP (Poop Up The Puss)

Pake Lowell Aug 3, 2009
Where I experience my first fish pooping experience.
Pooba's Guide to Surviving Your Colonoscopy Jan 22, 2010
Where I share my advice on getting a colonoscopy.

Diaper Drama! Oct 10, 2008
Where I share my first childhood memory of pooping in my dipaer.

My Fantasy Footballs Sep 2, 2009
Where I talk about the football cookies that more resembled poop than footballs.

The Grand Pooba Cast June 1, 2008
Where I mention my pets and their poop.

I Think It Was Father's Day Jun 22, 2009
Where I again mention Logan pooping on my carpet.

Now if I do a search on the word "shit" I'm pretty sure 99% of my posts will pop up.
Holy Shit do I have a Potty Blog??