Friday, November 13, 2009

I Got Banged

Andrea Banged Me.



I was sitting in the salon chair and Andrea had just finished blow drying my hair. She swivels the chair around so she can get a good look at me, and says

"We need to bang you."

I tried not to laugh, but being the Virgin Mary that I am, I busted up. I'm sorry, but what would you think if you heard that? Andrea couldn't help but start laughing too.

The two old women in the station next to us were not amused. If looks could kill, we would have died right there on the spot. Pretty sure Andrea would have floated up towards the heavens and I would have been dragged down to hell,


Luckily I still got banged.


Andrea Harper said...


Oh, that was classic. I'm sorry, I just thought it was high time you were banged. And I don't care who knows it....

THE Stephanie said...

LOVE THEM!!! Super cute!!

Tara Bennett said...

Hilarious and beautiful! I'm a fan of being banged myself ;O)

Amanda Hopper said...

Love it and love the color!!!!!!!!!!!

MJW said...

Love them! You look so fresh! I love it! Great new look for you! Have a super weekend!

Rebecca Jo said...

How can you NOT laugh at that statement? How old was the lady next to you? 95? Come on people - find humor in things!!!!

But anyhoo.... glad you got banged... looks like you enjoyed it! :)

I like how they're not like across the forehead but subtle.. very nice!

Furry Bottoms said...

I LOVE your hair!!! Love your expressions too, LOL

HOW on earth do you keep your teeth so white!? I am a strident, religious teeth brusher and flosser, but my teeth are still changing color as I get older :( I hate that, dangit.

Shandal said...

Love the bangs!

Janalyn and Rob said...

That is a great look for you! What am I saying?!? Your hair ALWAYS looks great! I am a big fan of the side bang. I am a mess if I am not 'banged'.

foxy said...

I totally dig it! I like the long bang look too... I'm patiently waiting for mine to get a little longer, actually.

Kasey said...

Love it, you sexy lady!!!

MsTypo said...

Wow she banged you hard! LOL

I like the bangs. :) I can't do them and envy women who can. You look well and truly banged. :)

Heather@WHMB said...

Banging you works! Looks great.

brokenteepee said...

...and stupid me? I was looking for the bruise.
Your hair looks great.
And I am glad there is no bruise

Rebecca said...


And I love the bangs, they look great on you!!!!!

Bethany said...

I've banged myself before. Do what you will with that.

The bangs look so cute and I love your color.

Debbi said...

there isn't a look you don't pull off.

ha. I just used pull-off in the same post as 'getting banged'. :)

PS- those shoes on your wish-list, side-bar-y thing? LOVE!

AiringMyLaundry said...

You look fantastic banged!

Liz Mays said...

They look just beautiful on you!

St. Jeor Family said...

I LOVE them! Bangs are a good look on you!

Dellany Higby said...

Isn't she such a whore. Haha love her. Love your cute bang job as well!!!

Chief said...

awesome! however tell her that a professional hairdressser blogging buddy of yours would remind her that the fancy term is "fringe"

Not nearly as provocative

Anonymous said...

HAHA, this made me laugh!! Bangs are looking good!

Jen said...

Cute! I glad it was a good bang.

Dani Brems said...

Are you supposed to look pretty after you get banged? :) Love them!

confused homemaker said...

Oh, I like them. Good hair after being banged is a must.

Staci Loalbo said...

sassy! And just so you know when i read the title...i knew what you were talking about...not all of our minds are in the gutter like, um (*cough*pooba*cough* ) some people :)

Karin Katherine said...

Oh you with the great blog post titles! The fact I needed to click on it, what does that say about me?

But seriously, LOVE that new do.
Gesh, I need a makeover.

Suzi said...

Banged huh? That falls in line with humping last time I checked.

Looks good! Getting banged works for you.....

African American Mom said...

Ha ha! Banged! I wasn't sure what I was about to see when I clicked the link.

However, I give it 2 thumbs up!

The Rambler said... got banged.

Got my attention :)

Oh..Love the bangs by the way!

Lee said...

I expected a really dirty post when I read the title.
I don't know if I'm disappointed... but I love your hair!

Maki said...

I likey I likey!!! You look fabulous both with or without the bang. Pretty lady!

Mike said...

I would have banged you for free! haha!

Anonymous said...

You look awesome. You're making me want bangs again. Too bad I don't look as cute as you. Seriously looks great:)

Justine said...

Girl, you are bangin'! Seriously, the look is hot! The underside of your tongue? Not so much.

Justine :o )

metromut said...

I just wanted to send you a little note to say I love your blog, it is so fun, and to say that I LOVE the bangs, and the cherrywood pumps, and I love your comments on my blog. You are always so clever and witty. I love them. I am a terrible commenter, so I apologize.

KK said...

Love them!

LadyStyx said...

I, like, so totally LOST it when I saw this entry's title in my Google Reader!

Hernandez Family said...

I take it that getting "banged" by Andrea was a good thing.

Kell said...

Haha :) The bangs are way cute!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Getting banged suits you! ;)

Julia said...

I was thinking you were going to have this big ole 80's style bang job. heh heh...

We call it banging when we cut the horses tail bluntly at the end. I knew you would need to know that for some reason. ;)

yulz said...

looks nice =)

funny that lately I've been thinking about banging my hair and there you are being banged LoL


way cute! A lil slow on the blog reading. Sorry, but I really do love it. Way super sexy. Love the last pic too

Mayhem and Moxie said...

You are utterly fabulous. I even like how the light is better in your "after" pictures. I think it means that God is smiling on you.

You're so pretty, Poob. :)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Love them...your hair looks great!

Children of the 90s said...

Haha, that is too funny! Way to take the bang plunge, too, they're very cute. I can't imagine not having mine!

Jason, as himself said...

Yes! I love seeing photos of people right after they got banged! If only you had taken one during the banging. That's even better.

Heath'e' said...

Kel, I love them!! you look sexy. But you looked sexy before too. And your eyes look freaking amazing in those pictures! Miss you

Queenie Jeannie said...

She bangs! She bangs!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist. I want to hate you for looking so good, but I still love you. You're a total hottie!

Megan said...


Love them!!

Marissa said...

If only everyone looked as good as you after getting "banged!" I just can't bring myself to get "banged" by my friend Amy though. I just keep having flashbacks of how long it took me to grow them out when I was little and can't face that trauma again if I decide I don't want them anymore.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

At least you weren't in a kiddie section at McDonalds ... LOL ;)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

P.S. You look gorgeous with them :)

Anonymous said...

Love it!