Hubster: "On my what?"
Me: "Right there on your ear lube."
Hubster: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah, look."
Hubster: "Really Poob?"
Me: "I'm serious!"
Hubster: "Ok, you're right, I have hair on my ear LUBE. I have two ear LUBES. We all have two ear LUBES. My ear LUBE has a hair on it. "
Me: " I know, that's what I'm sayin!"
Hubster: "It's LOBE Poob, ear LOBE!"
Me: "Oh."

You have not lived your entire life thinking it was an ear lube! Say it ain't so!
This makes me sad for you a bit. :)
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? Your husband must have been DYING!
(This reminds me of the time my husband and I discovered that our then seven-year-old thought fingers were called "thingers." She had been saying "thingers" her whole life and none of us had ever noticed before. Now, of course, we ALL call them thingers.)
ROTFLMAO!!! You crack me up!
LMAO!!! Oh man! I love your conversations!
i guess lube job takes on a whole new getting your ears pierced...have a fabulous weekend!
maybe it was your accent?
Good one :p
You freaking crack me up!
I've had lube on MY ear once. Don't ask.
Well, I'm sure you don't have to ask... it's fairly self-explanitory. Don't try it. I had a "pounding" headache for days after! LOL
HA, yeah, I'd make fun of you forever for that one!
Ear lube?? You really have some strange fetishes! haha
Say what??? Lubes??? Like a lube job?? Too funny! Happy Spring!
That's part of our charm.
The other week I was telling Kevin: There's not even a "slither" of a chance.
Yea. I'm cute.
OMG. Speechless. Yes, ME.
You know, it is normal to have an occasional stray hair or two stuck in your lube.
LOL!!!! Can't stop laughing long enough to post a comment........
You are my hero.
You are a true blonde!
LMFAO!! I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation. The recount is still funny! Thanks for the laugh!!
HAHAHAHA!! That is hillarious!
hahahahahah! Toss the word pinna at him, see if he gets it. :) Maybe save some face. ;)
Oh, Pooba. What more can I say? Except...Oh, Pooba.
Hugs and Mocha,
OMG - I'd never hear the end of that from my hub. Hysterical!!!!
LMAO, I thought it was hilarious!
*laffin* Oh dear. Sounds like a conversation hubs and I would have. Although here, ther roles would have been reversed...
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