Friday, January 15, 2010

Now YOU Can Thank God I'm A Sucker (Yes, This Is A Giveaway)

Two days before Christmas, I had to venture to the ghastly mall to pick up a few last minute gifts. You all know I hate shopping so this was a big deal for me and I was dreading the mall.

So there I was, minding my own business when some little woman with a beret and an accent asks me to hold out my hand for her. Ummm, I'm thinking, I'll just humor her but I'm not buying anything. This has happened to me many times before so I am now prepared for this type of situation.

So she starts filing my fingernail while she's talking a mile a minute telling that what she is doing is going to change my life. Finally she finishes and she asks,

"Are you ready to be amazed?"

She was dead serious, at first I kind of giggled because, hello? She was a walking infomercial. But she didn't laugh, she just looked at me anxiously waiting for my reply so I said,

"Um, yes?"

Then she lets go of my hand and I look down at the fingernail she had worked her magic on and behold, it was beautiful! The surface was smooth and I almost had to shield my eyes from the shine that glared back at me.

And yes, I was amazed.

She then asked me to try it myself so she walked me through it and in a couple of seconds I was done. Before I was able to look at the nail she grabbed my hand and asked,

"Now are you ready to amaze yourself?"

By this point I was totally mesmerized by her so I firmly said "Yes!" And she removed her hand from mine and behold, I performed the same miracle that she had performed just seconds before.

My nails were brilliant.

Then she told me that they would look that way for two weeks.

Two weeks!

Finally I just asked her the price. She started explaining about all the secret crap that they use to make it and blah blah blah, the kits were $59.99 a piece.

What? No way, I know when I'm getting ripped off and I'm not spending 60 bucks on some nail kit. She sees the excitement drain right out of my face so before I could say no, she throws out her lifesaver.

"Well, how about I throw in a second one for free? You get two for the price of one!" She exclaimed.

And then it was over.

"OK! Why not!?" The words left my lips before I even realized what was happening.

She got me. I was suckered once again. Albert is going to kill me! I thought, but I let her ring me up and I went on my merry way.

But I have to tell you, I LOVE this kit!! It comes with the buffer, a nail file, cuticle oil and lotion. When I got home that day I used it on all my nails and guess what? They are still shiny and smooth as I type this today!

But now I have an extra one that's been sitting on my dresser for weeks now and I've been trying to figure out who to give it to. I have two sisters so I can't just give it to one of them because the other one would most likely murder me and then knock the other sister out to grab the kit and run.

So, the only solution is to give it away. And what better people to give it to then YOU!?

Behold, Seacret Minerals From the Dead Sea NailCare Collection:

You want it? Just leave me a comment to enter! The contest will end Tuesday 1/19/10 at Midnight MST.

You can enter as many times as you want!

Anyone can enter, but if you are anonymous or don't have your email set up in your blogger profile, then please leave me your email address so I can notify you if you win.

Ready, set, go!


Tiffany Tweedie said...


I wanna be amazed! Plus, my nails look like crap... and not in a good way.

I used to be a sucker for the return missionaries turned door to door perfume salesmen. So I stopped answering the door. And moved to California! HA! Showed them!

Maki said...

Oh maybe it was the same girl who performed the miracle on me in NJ!!! Oh wait, you're in a different state. LOL I didn't buy it, but my nail was absolutely beautiful!!! Does it really stay like that for two weeks??

Have a lovely weekend!

P.S. And oh yes, count me in! :)

Unknown said...

Oh yes! I want one!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Pick ME! I wanted this for Christmas and it cost too much!

koopermom said...

I've tried these in the mall before too - they are awesome! But I've never bought them. Pick me - my nails are butt ugly right now and I am prepared to be amazed!!

Tricia said...

I would love to be amazed. I'm constantly struggling with my nails :-)

Rita Templeton said...

My nails look hooooooorrible. I would LOVE to be amazed! :)

Marissa said... husband has almost punched the ladies at the Layton Hills mall who try and ambush you to do this stuff. I guess I'll have to try and see what all the fuss is about :o)

Anonymous said...

OOOH PICK ME!! This looks awesome...Mel always tells me to just not make eye contact and run past the people in the middle of the mall, so I can't blame you on getting suckered in!!

Wehrle said...

I have never even heard of this miricle stuff!! Maybe they don't have it in Vegas??? Or maybe I just never go to the mall!! Either way I want to try it!! Sounds fun!!

Liz Mays said...

You are not even going to believe this! My brother was accosted in the mall (the one with the putrid toenails) and they buffed his thumbnail to the point of it being the star of Bethlehem!

And he bought this kit too with a 2 for 1 deal and gave one to my mom. Good Lord, they're crossing the country with this stuff!

Rebecca Jo said...

I got jumped on in the mall a few years back with a similar product... & yep, SUCKER - bought it & LOVED it... they're not here anymore or I'd buy more! Ugly fingers crossed hoping to turn into beautiful fingers of cheering!

Sara said...

Great giveaway! My nails need some love. Hope I win! Until I looked at my word verification. Loserfsk. I swear I looked at that and read loser f***. eek!

Amy said...


Furry Bottoms said...

Oh my gosh, I am so drooling over this. I need a little amazement in my life!! As I was reading your post, I was so hoping you'd do a giveaway and you are! I am so excited!

Furry Bottoms said...


Furry Bottoms said...


Furry Bottoms said...


Kristina P. said...

My nails look like Rosie O'Donnell's personality. Not cool. I am in.

Renee Campbell said...

OK so I too had an experience like this and ended up paying 50 bucks for the face scrub! A year later and I am still using it once a week and love it. I think it's the same company as this nail gig you got. Hooray for being suckered in!

BTW I'm the one with the husband who made chocolate covered grasshoppers last year for the Twilight movie...yep, it's shameful I know. LOL

foxy said...

Well, as much as I LOVE giveaways... I already have one of those kits and I LOVE IT. So, if i just so happen to win, go ahead and give it to someone else who doesn't already know the pleasure of Seacret. But you can't ever say I'm not a giver.

Cheers Pooba!

MJW said...

Pick Me

MJW said...

Raising hand - I want it! I wants it :)

MJW said...

Thanks for doing a fun giveaway!!!

Karin Katherine said...

Count me on this amazing opportunity. I never can leave the house long enough to get my nails and toes done so I opt for the toes and my nails just look like crap all the time. Oh well.

When my kids grow up and leave the house maybe I can get a mani/pedi. Until then, at least I have nice feet! LOL

Nana said...


Nana said...


Nana said...

That should do it.

Everyday Goddess said...

Does it come with a complimentary Bump-It?

Please think that's funny.

I know, I'm so immature!

And with the state my nails are in, I shouldn't be kidding around.

Lee said...

If I promised you that the next time I got a pet, I'd name them Pooba, would I win?
Because I would do it.
As long as you reminded me after I got the pet.

I've included a picture of my nails to show you how dire a situation this is.

Lee said...

Please, think of the children. They cry whenever they see my hands.

The Green Family said...

Wow! Some take this drawing seriously!!

Oh, what the HELL...put me down Ü

Shandal said...

I love that stuff! Hook me up!

African American Mom said...

Count me in! My nails could use an upgrade!

Weeksie50 said...

Oh Yea, I want it..
I never make eye contact at the mall.. because I get suckered into everything... but my Mom has a dead sea kit.. and It is awesome!

brokenteepee said...

Does it work on goat hooves?
heh heh
kaiminani at gmail dot com

♥ Joanna said...

consider this my comment! i would LOVE to have a pretty manicure set! :)

Brian Miller said...

i was amazed as well...

they got me...

and i bought one for my wife...

and had one shiny nail for a very long time.

The Saffa Family said...

sounds awsome!

Justine said...

Unfortunately, I've got the most muffed-up, flat, wide nails that are paper thin, so this would do me no good. But, it was great to hear that you got TWO kits for only (gulp) $60. Holy shit woman, it's a nail buffer! Heeheeheeeee

Justine :o )

Andrea Harper said...


Hi. You KNOW what my nails look like on a daily-weekly-monthly basis. They usually look pretty awesome all chipped and worn off, but I'd like to make them even awesomer.


Laura said...

WOOT! I need this living the lost lifestyle up here in Alaska my nails are sucky shot!! Hope I win :)

Tami Wyatt said...

I could stand to be amazed...

:) Tami

Suzi said...


Suzi said...

My nails.....

Suzi said...

could use...

Suzi said...

some help!

Julie said...

Too funny! I just snarl at those ppl when they try to slow down my progress when I'm trying to escape the mall. My MIL has some of this though, it's pretty good stuff I have to admit!

The Red Headed Mama said...

What is funny, is my mom and I got suckered in the exact same way...only he made it sound like he was running some super secret deal and we couldn't tell anyone. hahahahahaha Good to know it's their usual sales pitch :)

Ashley said...

Me! Me! Me! I'd love a good at-home manicure!

LCO's said...

Um oh my HELL Kelly, maybe you should have talked to your sister (me) because I would have told you that the lady suckered me into it as well and I bought one (for $40) a year ago and then your sister (Alyse) stole it and and now she has the crap in her nail collection so now I need another one because the filer is all effed up cuz she used it to much. You better make me win this giveaway. Your little sister (not me the other one) is a thief and I deserve the nail kit. biiiizatch.

Chief said...


Chief said...


Chief said...


Kimberly @ Bookmark To Blog said...

I've been "recovering" since just after high school, haha. Going on 11 years. Wow! Didn't realize how long it had been.

KK said...

How fun, I always try to avoid those people in the middle of the mall.

Anonymous said...

Since you are not giving it to your sisters wouldn't it be way cool if you could give it to your bff's sister?? Buddy ol' Pal

Melissa said...

Will comment for Free-bee's!!! Pick me!

Hernandez Family said...

I almost got suckered into buying this very product too. I actually got the guy down in price for two!

Melissa said...

Kelly, do you remember when we were in Mr. Spicer's 4th grade class and I let you copy my homework that one time.... well, I don't exactly remember it either, but if it did happen, you So owe me! Now would be a great time to pay up ;o)

Melissa said...

I tried to upload a picture of my nails so you would have pitty on me, but I couldn't figure it out. But just take my word for it. THEY NEED HELP!!! SAVE THE NAILS!! :)

Paging Doctor Mommy said...

PICK ME! PICK ME! I've just starting growing my nails, so I could use a good treatment!

Unknown said...

OOH! I so want to win! I would share it with my friend Denise at Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys

Michelle said...

I always avoid eye contact and rush by them when they try and sell me on the product but my nails could use a make-over so count me in! I'm curious to see how it works!

Chief said...

Im back cuz Im gonna win and I wanted to remind you of that.

I would enter more times but your WV is a bitch!

ChicagoLady said...

I only want to win this if it will help make my nails stronger. After all, what good is beautiful nails if they're always short from breaking and ripping, right?

Julie H said...

Grr I posted out a comment and google ate it!


I usually act like I'm deaf when I walk past those people, I'm sure they love that!!

I could use some stuff for my fingernails since I don't do anything with them!

Laura said...

stopping in to WIN again you must pick me Im in the land of ice and snow

Jen said...

You need to take a picture of your hands so we can see the shinny loveliness!! I always avoid those ladies at the mall!! They scare me!!

Lacey said...

Oooo! I love nail products!
travelinglacey [at] gmail [dot] com

Melissa said...

That looks awesome!! I hope I win!

Chief said...


Chief said...


Chief said...


Chief said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this chance! This looks really awesome. Plus, my birthday is Wed. the 20th!!! This would be a great birthday present. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this chance! This looks really awesome. Plus, my birthday is Wed. the 20th!!! This would be a great birthday present. :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

I want to win! This might help me not bite my nails.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Sheesh, looks like Chief really wants to win too ;)

Megan said...

Omgosh! haha! Those same people have snagged me from walking by them before too. I was just like you also but the difference is that I didn't buy it and I steer clear of all of those kiosks when I'm wandering the mall! LOL I would love to try it for myself though if you want to pick ME!! =D

Megan said...

I have nice long nails but they look like crap cuz they're not shiney. they need to be shiney. can you help?

Megan said...

Purty please?

Megan said...

with sugar on top?

Megan said...

you love me the most, right? plus...your giveaway ends on my anniversary! i need this so my nails look magnificent for my hubby of 8 years! ;0)

Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...

fault! ;)

Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...


Debbi said...

help! :P

Queenie Jeannie said...

And here I've been stalking my mailbox because I thought it was already on it's way....{{pouty face}}

Bella says she loves you and wants to send you an original piece of artwork. Because she loves you. Not as a bribe. Unless that would work...

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'm an Army wife. That should count for something!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I should tell you a really funny, dirty joke!!

Too bad I don't know any. I suck.

Heath'e' said...

You want me to win most of all. Not just because you love me, but also because we have been buds for a decade! That is a freak'n LONG time. Plus I'm fat and preggers and need something pretty on my body to look at to distract me from the very large round baby bump that keeps bumping into things and people. :)

Oh and I miss you kel-bel

Stacy Uncorked said...

Me, please!! *jumping up and down*

Stacy Uncorked said...

I need to be amazed at something...even if it's just my nails! ;)

Stacy Uncorked said...


Stacy Uncorked said...


Stacy Uncorked said...


Stacy Uncorked said...


Stacy Uncorked said...


Stacy Uncorked said...

many times as you like that it opens a whole plethora of one-word comments. See? I couldn't keep it up. ;)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I'm surprised my computer didn't decide to blow up during this commenting phase.

I could use all the help I can get in the nail department. Serious professional help, perhaps. But this will do. ;)

koopermom said...

I still want to win!!!!

Melissa said...

Kelly, I just want to point out that although I read your blog regularly, I don't usually comment because I figure your hundreds of other comments have said what I would say anyway. But look at me!! I'M COMMENTING!! AND I CAME BACK DAYS LATER AND AM COMMENTING AGAIN!! That has to count for something!!

Melissa said...

And here I am... commenting AGAIN!! I just cant stop! The things we do for free stuff...

Melissa said...

Did I mention that one of my new years resolutions was to take better care of my nails?


Maybe I will win again? That would be so cool. BTW had a really wierd dream about you last night.

Jen said...

MJW told me about your blog ... looks like I picked a good day to start following you. Pick me! -)

MJW said...

I want to win!

MJW said...

I even sent a friend to visit your blog and she's a follower now too! :)

MJW said...

You should pick me :)

Unknown said...

I know I won't win because gees people you must have a lot of time on your hands to enter as many times as some of you have... maybe I am just jealous cause you will win! ;)

Queenie Jeannie said...

It's totally ok if I don't win. I'm sure with therapy I'll get over it.

Janelle said...

I too have been known to be a sucker for those mall kiosks!! And yes, I do love the way they make your nails shine! I'd love to win one cause I couldn't bear to spend that much money again!!! Glad you were the sucker this time!

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing! I would love to win this.

Unknown said...

My nails look horrible!!! Help me make them look shiny!!!! :)

Linds Forrest said...

My nails would thank you for being pretty and shiny instead of being eaten in my mouth!!

Unknown said...

I wanna win! How many times can we enter?

Janae Moss said...

Love dead sea products, CANT STAND the kiosks and sales people. It is especially bad having a kiosk next to them and watching everyone walk as far away from you as they can!
Having said that, congrats :) I was suckered also and spent way more than that before I caught onto them :)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Well poop!!! I missed out on this, a reason to really lock myself in the bathroom. I'm doing my nails go away ... LOL